Göttingen yearbook

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Göttingen yearbook

description Trade journal
Area of ​​Expertise Regional history
language German
First edition 1952
Frequency of publication yearly
Editor-in-chief Sigrid Dahmen, Frauke Geyken
editor History Association for Göttingen and Surroundings eV
Web link www.geschichtsverein-goettingen.de/menu-oben/veroeffnahmungen/goettinger-jahrbuch/ausgabe-67-2019/
ISSN (online)

The Göttinger Jahrbuch is considered to be the "leading regional historical journal for the South Lower Saxony region " and deals primarily with the history of the city of Göttingen and the surrounding area. The publisher of the yearbook, which has been published annually since 1952, is the Geschichtsverein für Göttingen und Umgebung eV In accordance with the association's statutes, the magazine is aimed at both scientists and laypeople interested in history. The journal is edited by the historian and publicist Frauke Geyken ; the editorial committee includes Günther Beer, the archivist and museum director Ernst Böhme , Arne Butt, the geographer Dietrich Denecke , the archivist Helga-Maria Kühn and the historian Dieter Neitzert .

A broad spectrum of historical and related topics is dealt with in the Göttingen yearbooks, for example political, social, economic, art, church and scientific history, archeology, museum, linguistic and folklore.

The Göttinger Jahrbuch is in a row with several forerunner journals published since 1892.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d o.V. : Göttinger Jahrbuch on the H-Soz-Kult page from February 2, 2016, last accessed on February 27, 2018
  2. Compare Göttinger Jahrbuch ... in the journal database
  3. Compare the information on the site geschichtsverein-goettingen.de [undated], last accessed on February 27, 2018