Dietrich Denecke

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Dietrich Denecke (born June 9, 1935 in Berlin ) is a German geographer . He is one of the leading scientists in the field of historical geography .


Dietrich Denecke lived in Berlin until 1945 and then in Schleswig-Holstein. He received his doctorate in 1967 with a thesis on the remains of old roads in the area between Solling and Harz . Dietrich Denecke has been a professor at the University of Göttingen for decades and has been involved in the publication of the series Values ​​of the German Homeland . Since 2002 he has been a member of the project group "Montanregion Harz" of the Historical Commission for Lower Saxony and Bremen, whose spokesman he became in 2007 as the successor to Karl Heinrich Kaufhold .

Fonts (selection)

as an author
  • Methodical studies on historical-geographical path research in the area between Solling and Harz. A contribution to the reconstruction of the medieval cultural landscape . Goltze, Göttingen 1969 (also dissertation, University of Göttingen).
as editor


  • Klaus Fehn, Anngret Simms (Hrsg.): Ways of historical geography and cultural landscape research. Selected articles on the occasion of Dietrich Denecke's 70th birthday . Steiner, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-515-08680-3 .

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