Karl Heinrich Kaufhold

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Karl Heinrich Kaufhold (born August 29, 1932 in Hildesheim ; † July 16, 2020 ) was a German historian .


Karl Heinrich Kaufhold was born as the eldest son of a Hildesheim art blacksmith, graduated from high school on February 27, 1951 and then worked in the personnel administration of the city of Hildesheim. On October 20, 1960 he was appointed mayor inspector. In 1958 he married. From 1960 to 1964 he studied economics at the Technical University of Hanover and from 1964 to 1965 at the Georg-August University of Göttingen . In 1965 he passed his exams as a qualified economist. He then became a scientific assistant to Wilhelm Abel . Kaufhold was promoted to Dr. rer. pole. obtained his doctorate and habilitation there on July 2, 1973. In the 1973/74 winter semester, he represented Wilhelm Abel's chair. From 1974 until his retirement in 1999 he was a full professor and director of the Institute for Economic and Social History at the Georg-August University in Göttingen.

Kaufhold has dealt with the economic and social history, especially of northern Germany, as well as the history of handicrafts and trade in numerous publications. From 1990 he was co-editor of the quarterly journal for social and economic history .



  • The handicraft of the city of Hildesheim in the 18th century. An economic history study (= Göttingen craft economics studies. Vol. 13, ZDB -ID 257690-9 ). Schwartz, Göttingen 1968, 2nd, revised edition. (= Göttingen contributions to economic and social history. Vol. 5). ibid 1980, ISBN 3-509-01066-3 .
  • The metal industry in the county of Mark in the 18th and early 19th centuries (= lecture series of the Society for Westphalian Economic History. Vol. 20, ZDB -ID 741661-1 ). Society for Westphalian Economic History, Dortmund 1976.
  • The trade in Prussia around 1800 (= Göttingen contributions to economic and social history. Vol. 2). Schwartz, Göttingen 1978, ISBN 3-509-01053-1 (also: Göttingen, Univ., Habil.-Schr.).


  • Mining and metallurgy in and around the Harz (= publications of the Historical Commission for Lower Saxony and Bremen. Vol. 34 = Sources and studies on the economic and social history of Lower Saxony in modern times. Vol. 14). Hahn, Hannover 1991, ISBN 3-7752-5859-0 .
  • with Ekkehard Westermann and Hans-Jürgen Gerhard: European Montanregion Harz (= Montanregion Harz. Vol. 1 = Publications from the German Mining Museum Bochum. Vol. 98). German Mining Museum, Bochum 2001, ISBN 3-921533-83-X .
  • with Hans-Jürgen Gerhard: Prices in pre- and early industrial Germany. Food - beverages - spices - raw materials and commercial products (= Göttingen Contributions to Economic and Social History. Vol. 19/20). Steiner, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-515-07291-8 .
  • with Jörg Leuschner and Claudia Märtl : The economic and social history of the Braunschweigische Land from the Middle Ages to the present. 3 volumes. Olms, Hildesheim et al. 2008, ISBN 978-3-487-13599-1 .
  • with Uwe Wallbaum: Historical statistics of the Prussian province of Ostfriesland (= sources for the history of Ostfriesland. Vol. 16), Verlag Ostfriesische Landschaft, Aurich 1998, ISBN 3-932206-08-8 , p. 38 f.


  • Hans-Jürgen Gerhard: For guidance. In: Hans-Jürgen Gerhard (Ed.): Structure and Dimension. Festschrift for Karl Heinrich Kaufhold on his 65th birthday. Volume 1: Middle Ages and early modern times (= quarterly for social and economic history. Supplements No. 132). Steiner, Stuttgart 1997, ISBN 3-515-07065-6 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary notice , in: Göttinger Tageblatt of July 25, 2020.