Dieter Neitzert

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Dieter Neitzert (* 1933 ) is a German historian and emeritus professors .


Dieter Neitzert studied at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen in the post-war period and lived in the Historical Colloquium during this time . After a long activity in teacher training at the University of Education in Göttingen, he was awarded his dissertation in 1991. The city of Göttingen leads a feud in 1485/86. Research on a social and economic history of the city and the surrounding area with Ernst Schubert for Dr. phil. received his doctorate. Neitzert worked here as a university teacher until the end of the 1990s.

Together with the historian Frauke Geyken , Günther Beer, the archivist and museum director Ernst Böhme , Arne Butt, the geographer Dietrich Denecke and the archivist Helga-Maria Kühn, Neitzert is part of the editorial committee of the Göttinger Jahrbuch magazine published by the history association for Göttingen and the surrounding area .

Fonts (selection)

  • Citizenship and Council Power: The Trial of Paul von Brakel against the cities of Göttingen and Frankfurt (1420–1430) , 1981
  • Wilhelm Kircher from Constance. A lawyer at the Basel Council , reprint, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Rupprecht, 1982
  • The city of Göttingen leads a feud in 1485/86. Investigation of the social and economic history of the city and the surrounding area (= publications by the Institute for Historical Research at the University of Göttingen , vol. 30), at the same time dissertation in 1991 at the University of Göttingen, Hildesheim: Lax, 1991, ISBN 978-3-7848-3660 -7 ; contents
  • Peter Aufgebauer, Dieter Neitzert, Helga-Maria Kühn: Göttingen in the Third Reich , Göttingen: Göttingen City Archives, 1994
  • Dieter Neitzert et al. (Ed.), Hartmut Boockmann (author): Ways into the Middle Ages. Historical essays , Munich: Beck, 2000, ISBN 978-3-406-46241-2 and ISBN 3-406-46241-3


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Peter Aufgebauer (Ed.): Festgabe for Dieter Neitzert on his 65th birthday (= Göttingen research on regional history , vol. 1), Bielefeld: Verlag für Regionalgeschichte, 1998, ISBN 978-3-89534-224-0 and ISBN 3-89534-224-6
  2. Compare the information and cross-references in the catalog of the German National Library
  3. Compare the information on the site [undated], last accessed on February 27, 2018