Alfred Buberl

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Alfred Buberl (born March 2, 1923 in Vienna ; † October 26, 2010 in Sieghartskirchen ) was an Austrian vehicle technician and historian.


Alfred Buberl was mainly concerned with Siegfried Marcus ' second vehicle , which belongs to the ÖAMTC . The vehicle was Buberl's research object, which he also restored at the same time. On August 16, 1950, he was able to present the vehicle to the public again. So he is known as the adoptive father of the Marcus Wagen.

In addition to this activity, he founded the motor supplement in numerous daily and weekly newspapers , such as the Wiener Kurier , the Wiener Zeitung or the Furche . He also began this editorial work around 1950.

He also designed a first program for motorists on the radio station Rot-Weiß-Rot , which was controlled by the Americans at the time.

Buberl has always been an advocate of the opinion that Marcus had built a functioning vehicle before his German competitors, but was never able to prove this. This opinion in Austria arose from his thesis for a long time until the 1960s. As a connoisseur of the motoring scene at the time, he also wrote numerous specialist books such as

  • Automobiles. The eventful history of the road vehicle , 1991
  • Automobiles - past-present-future
  • The automobiles of Siegfried Marcus , 1994
  • Marcus car 1875 - a historical milestone in mechanical engineering

Awards and recognitions

In 1998 the Marcus Car was declared a Technical Landmark by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers .

Buberl himself received the Austrian Cross of Honor for Science and Art in 2005 .

In 2010, the HTL Steyr is producing two replicas of the Marcus car in a project.

Individual evidence

  1. Did Siegfried Marcus invent the automobile? on Ö1 of July 29, 2007 accessed on December 8, 2010
  2. ^ Siegfried Marcus Car (ca.1875) ASME # 203, accessed December 8, 2010
  3. HTL Steyr is building the first gasoline automobile  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. to my district accessed April 22, 2010 8 December 2010@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  

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