Alfred Foretay

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Alfred Jean Foretay (born January 12, 1861 in Morges , † September 1, 1944 in Geneva ) was a Swiss sculptor . He made decorations for buildings, fountains and bronze sculptures in the style of Art nouveau . As a landscape painter , he made paintings in the style of impressionism .


Alfred Foretay was born in 1861 to the architect John-Henry Foretay. Foretay initially worked in his father's office. At the age of 16 he went to Paris, where in 1877 he attended the sculpture department of Alexandre Falguière at the École des Beaux-Arts . He stayed in the capital for a few years, where he exhibited in the Salon of the Société des Artistes Français . As a student of Falguières, he received an Honorable Mention in 1891 and a gold medal in 1904.

In 1911 he returned to Switzerland and earned his living primarily with plastic architectural jewelry. After a stay in the south of France, he also began to devote himself to landscape painting. He returned to France between 1918 and 1935. He married around 1919. After contacts with various masters of sculpture and French painting, he decided to return to Switzerland with his wife and daughter. Fortay left behind remarkable sculptural art. In addition to numerous decorative sculptural works, Fortay produced numerous statuettes and busts in the Art Nouveau style, but also decorative vessels made of tin and alloys.


  • 1906: Kunstverein St. Gallen
  • 1915: Sixth exhibition of the Society of Swiss Painters, Sculptors and Architects , Kunsthaus Zurich
  • 1896–1914: Swiss National Art Exhibition
  • 1900: World Exhibition Paris 1900
  • 1911: International Exhibition, Rome

Works in public space

  • 1912–18 Hotel Beau-Rivage, Lausanne, also commercial buildings (including Old India; Crédit Foncier) in Lausanne, for the Volksbank and the Hotel Palace in Montreux
  • From 1921 he carried out extensive public commissions in Marseille, including the design of larger-than-life column figures and two gables at the Grand Palace and a fountain


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Alfred Foretay . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 42, Saur, Munich a. a. 2004, ISBN 3-598-22782-5 , p. 313.