Alois Raphael Estreicher

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Alois Raphael Estreicher (born June 21, 1786 in Kraków ; † August 1, 1852 ibid) was a botanist and entomologist as well as professor and rector of the University of Kraków . He Polonized his original family name Oesterreicher by spelling Estreicher and in this way founded the Krakow branch of the Estreicher family.


Alois Rafael's parents were from Jihlava coming Dominik Austrians born and Rosalie Prakesch. From 1802 he studied at the University of Cracow, which he left in 1805 as a master of surgery and obstetrics. He then worked at the chair for veterinary medicine , from 1809 at the chairs for botany and animal science . In 1807 he received his doctorate in medicine, in 1811 he received his doctorate. phil. In addition, from 1809 he was director of the university's botanical garden . After he was appointed professor, he was twice elected dean of the philosophy faculty and served as rector of the university from 1831–1833. In this position he was chairman of the Cracow Scientific Society, of which he had been a member since 1815. In 1826 he was elected Senator of the Free City of Krakow . In 1843 he was retired.

Alois Rafael Estreicher created a beetle collection with 31,000 exhibits. The ground beetle species Carabus estreicheri was named after him.

His marriage to Antonina geb. Rozbierska (* 1798), daughter of Lviv university professor Antoni Rozbierski , came from among others the philologist and librarian Karol Estreicher (1827–1908).
