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Estreicher (Polish Estreicherowie ) is the name of a family of Krakow scholars. Members of the family were instrumental in the editing of the "Bibliografia Polska", which appeared in 34 volumes. It was started by Karol Estreicher the Elder in 1872, continued by his son Stanisław and ended after almost 80 years (1951) by Karol's grandson Karol the Younger.

Several members of the Estreicher family were associated with the Jagiellonian University in Krakow ; Professor Stanisław Estreicher was brought to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp by the German authorities as part of the Krakow special campaign and died there. The last heir to the family tradition, Krystyna Grzybowska, left the unfinished “family chronicle”.

  1. Dominik Oesterreicher (1750–1809) came from a Moravian merchant family from Iglau . He was the first representative of the Kraków family. It followed:
    1. Alois Raphael Estreicher (1786–1852), botanist, professor and rector of the Jagiellonian University and founder of the Botanical Garden. Since he Polonized his original name Oesterreicher in Estreicher , he is considered the progenitor of the Krakow branch of the family.
      1. Karol Estreicher (the elder) (1827–1908), son of Alojzy, literary historian, bibliographer, director of the Jagiellonian library. In 1881 he was raised to the nobility.
        1. Stanisław Estreicher (1869–1939), son of Karol the Elder. Ä., Legal historian, bibliographer, professor and rector of the Jagiellonian University.
          1. Karol Estreicher (the Younger) (1906–1984), Polish art historian, bibliographer, professor at the Jagiellonian University, director of the Jagiellonian University Museum in the Collegium Maius
          2. Krystyna Grzybowska (1902–1963), daughter of Stanisław, writer
        2. Tadeusz Estreicher (1871–1952), son of Karol the Elder. Ä., Chemist, professor at Jagiellonian University
        3. Maria Estreicherówna (1876–1966), daughter of Karol d. Ä., Teacher, writer, translator


  • Krystyna Grzybowska: Estreicherowie. Kronika rodzinna . Wydawnictwo Literackie, Krakow 1999, ISBN 83-08-03002-5
  • Encyclopedia Krakowa . Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warsaw - Krakau 2000, ISBN 83-01-13325-2 , pp. 192-194

Individual evidence

  1. Register entry in the German biography