Retirement benefit

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Old money in Germany is an alternative pension on the legal basis of age Benefits Act (AltGG) for voluntarily resigning from their employment officials on lifetime , professional judges for life and professional soldiers in the service of Federal .


Before the entry into force of the Age Benefit Act judge in the federal public service and professional soldiers were for federal officials, when leaving a mandatory supplementary insurance in the statutory pension insurance carried out. Remain the aforementioned persons in their employment contracts and enter into the age retirement they receive a pension , after which Civil Service Pensions Act (officials and judges) and the Military Pensions Act (professional soldiers) directed.

Eligibility requirements

The above-mentioned groups of people must declare to their employer before the end of their employment relationship that they want to claim old-age benefits instead of subsequent insurance. ( Section 1 (1) AltGG) The civil servant must have worked for seven years, five of which in federal service. ( Section 3, Paragraph 1 of the AltGG) The entitlement to retirement benefits is generally suspended until the regular retirement age is reached . ( Section 3 (3) AltGG) You must not have taken out any subsequent insurance. ( Section 3 (6) AltGG) If sentenced to imprisonment, the entitlement to old-age benefits may expire. ( § 4 AltGG)


The basis for the amount of the retirement benefit is 1.79375 percent of the pensionable salary for each year of retirement benefit. This percentage is multiplied by 0.85 (in the case of civil servants' pension by 0.99). De facto, the amount of the retirement benefit is 1.5246875 percent (in the case of retirement pension 1.7758125). ( § 7 AltGG)


The old-age allowance is intended to make career changes between the private and public sectors more attractive. The civil service pension corresponds to a pension in the first and second pillars, i. H. statutory pension insurance (standard insurance) and company pension scheme . This second pillar was not taken into account in subsequent insurance, which hindered mobility between the public service and the private sector.

Regulations in the countries

At least the states of Baden-Württemberg , Bremen , Hamburg , Hesse and Saxony have introduced regulations, some of which are initially limited in time, comparable to federal retirement benefits.


  • Robert Tietze: Retirement benefit for federal civil servants - the retirement benefit law . Publishing house Dr. Kovač, Hamburg 2019, ISBN 978-3-339-10870-8 .
  • Alfred Drescher: Retirement benefit for civil servants, judges and soldiers who voluntarily leave the service - report on the personnel-political and financial effects . In: Law in office . tape 64 , no. 3 , 2017, p. 108-114 .
  • Alfred Drescher: Carrying out supplies ("portability") - retirement benefits for civil servants, judges and soldiers who voluntarily leave the service - parliamentary deliberations and decisions at the federal level and in the states of Baden-Württemberg, Lower Saxony and Hesse . In: The Public Service . tape 66 , no. 9 , 2013, p. 209-2017 .
  • Johannes Holzer: Retirement benefits for federal civil servants . In: Public Administration . tape 66 , no. 22 , 2013, p. 890-896 .

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