Barth-Land office

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Office Barth-Land in the district of North Western Pomerania

In the Barth-Land office ( district of North Western Pomerania in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania ), which had existed since 1992, the eleven communities of Bartelshagen II b. Barth , Divitz , Fuhlendorf , Karnin , Kenz, Küstrow , Löbnitz , Lüdershagen , Pruchten , Saal and Spoldershagen are united to handle their administrative business. The administrative seat of the office was in the non-official city of Barth .

On June 13, 1999 Divitz and Spoldershagen merged to form the new municipality of Divitz-Spoldershagen , on December 31, 1999, Kenz and Küstrow merged to form the municipality of Kenz-Küstrow .

The Office Barth-Land was dissolved on 1 January 2005. The municipalities of the office went together with the formerly free city of Barth and the municipality of Trinwillershagen (from the dissolved office of Ahrenshagen ) in the new office of Barth .