Kullik District

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The Kullik district was a Prussian district in the Johannisburg district ( Gumbinnen district , from 1905: Allenstein district ) in the province of East Prussia , which was founded on April 8, 1874.

The district of Kullik, based in Kullik , originally consisted of thirteen places. Due to restructuring, there were only eleven in the end.

Surname Changed name from
1938 to 1945
Polish name Remarks
Old Uszanny (from 1905 :)
Uściany starlings
Annussewen Brennerheim Anuszewo
Henrietta Valley incorporated into Piskorzewen
Behind Pogobia (from 1933 :)
Deer forest
Pogobie Tylne
Kullik , forest Kulik 1929 incorporated into the Johannisburger Heide estate, part of the Johannisburg district, forest
Lippa, behind ~
Lippa, in front ~
Behind Oppendorf
Front Oppendorf
Lipa Tylna
Lipa Przednia
New Uszanny (from 1930 :)
Uściany Nowe
Piskorzewen (from 1904 :)
Przyroscheln (from 1928 :)
Sdunowen Saduns Zdunowo
Wielgilasz (from 1905 :)
Wielki Las
Wondollek Wondollen Wądołek incorporated into Piskorzewen
Zymna Cold flow Zimna

On January 1, 1945, the district of Kullik formed the places Brennerheim, Fichtenwalde, Grünheide, Hirschwalde, Johannisburger Heide, part of the district of Johannisburg, Forst, Kaltenfließ, Königsdorf, Oppendorf, Sadunen, Tannenheim and Walddorf.

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