Lipa Tylna

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Lipa Tylna
Lipa Tylna does not have a coat of arms
Lipa Tylna (Poland)
Lipa Tylna
Lipa Tylna
Basic data
State : Poland
Voivodeship : Warmia-Masuria
Powiat : Pisz
Gmina : Pisz
Geographic location : 53 ° 34 '  N , 21 ° 40'  E Coordinates: 53 ° 33 '56 "  N , 21 ° 39' 58"  E
Residents :
Postal code : 12-200
Telephone code : (+48) 87
License plate : NPI
Economy and Transport
Street : Pisz / DK 58 / DK 63 - JabłońTurośl - Karpa - Łyse / ext. 645
Rail route : no rail connection
Next international airport : Danzig

Lipa Tylna ( German  Hinter Lippa , 1938 to 1945 Hinter Oppendorf ) is a small town in the Polish Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship , which belongs to the Gmina Pisz ( city ​​and rural community of Johannisburg ) in the Powiat Piski (district of Johannisburg ).

Geographical location

Lipa Tylna is located on the east bank of the Lower Lake ( Jezioro Nidzkie in Polish ) in the southeastern Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, twelve kilometers southwest of the district town of Pisz ( German Johannisburg ).  


Until 1945, Hinter Lippa was next to Vorder Lippa ( Lipa Przednia in Polish ) one of the two localities that made up the rural community of Lippa .

Lippa was founded in 1690 as a casket settlement and consisted of several small courtyards and farmsteads.

From 1874 to 1945 the village was incorporated into the Kullik district (in Polish: Kulik ).

In 1905 Hinter Lippa had 81 inhabitants in 13 houses.

In 1910, a total of 127 residents were registered in the community Lippa, in 1933 there were 106. On June 3 (officially confirmed on 16 July) it was for political and ideological reasons of defense foreign-sounding place names in " Oppendorf " renamed . The two localities were now called "Vorder Oppendorf" and "Hinter Oppendorf". The number of inhabitants in 1939 was 106 as before.

As a result of the war, the municipality of Lippa came to Poland in 1945 along with all of southern East Prussia . Here the two districts became independent and received the Polish name forms "Lipa Przednia" and "Lipa Tylna". Both are now localities in the network of the city and rural community of Pisz (Johannisburg) in the powiat Piski (district of Johannisburg ), until 1998 the Suwałki Voivodeship , since then part of the Warmia-Masurian Voivodeship .


Until 1945, Hinter Lippa was parish in the Evangelical Church of Johannisburg in the church province of East Prussia of the Church of the Old Prussian Union and in the Roman Catholic Church in Johannisburg in the Diocese of Warmia .

Today, on the Catholic side, Lipa Tylna belongs to the parish church in Wiartel ( German  (Groß) Wiartel ) in the diocese of Ełk of the Roman Catholic Church in Poland , while the Protestant residents belong to the parish in the district town of Pisz, which is now part of the Masurian diocese of the Evangelical-Augsburg Church heard in Poland .


Behind Lippa has been a school location since around 1800.


Lipa Tylna is located on a side road that leads from Pisz via Turośl (Turosülen , 1938 to 1945 Mittenheide) to Łyse in the Masovian Voivodeship .

Individual evidence

  1. Polish Postal Code Directory 2013, p. 653
  2. ^ Dietrich Lange, Geographical Register of Places East Prussia (2005): Behind Oppendorf
  3. ^ Dietrich Lange, Geographical Register of Places East Prussia (2005): Oppendorf
  4. a b c Vorder-Lippa, Hinter-Lippa - Oppendorf in family research Sczuka
  5. ^ Rolf Jehke, Kullik District
  6. ^ Community encyclopedia for the Kingdom of Prussia. Based on materials from the census of December 1, 1905 and other official sources. Issue 1: Community encyclopedia for the province of East Prussia . Publishing house of the Royal Statistical Office, Berlin 1907, pp. 112/113.
  7. ^ Uli Schubert, community directory, district Johannisburg
  8. ^ A b Michael Rademacher: German administrative history from the unification of the empire in 1871 to the reunification in 1990. Johannisburg district (Polish Pisz). (Online material for the dissertation, Osnabrück 2006).
  9. ^ Walther Hubatsch , History of the Protestant Church in East Prussia , Volume 3 Documents , Göttingen 1968, p. 491