District tomorrow

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The Morgen district was a Prussian district in the Johannisburg district ( Gumbinnen district , from 1905: Allenstein district ) in the province of East Prussia , which was founded on April 8, 1874. The administrative district, which was originally called "Administrative District Kumilsko", was named Administrative District Morgen on November 15, 1938.

The administrative district based in Morgen originally included 18 villages. In the end, due to restructuring, there were 15.

Surname Changed name from
1938 to 1945
Polish name Remarks
Bagensken Lehmannsdorf Bagieńskie
until 1903: Dlugikont
Długi Kąt 1928 incorporated into Mykutten
Great Brzosken (from 1932 :)
Brzózki Wielkie
Itzken Idźki incorporated into Kosken
Jakubben Jakuby
Klein Brzosken (from 1930 :)
Brzózki Małe
Kosken Kózki
Kossaken Waechtershausen Kosaki
Kowaleven Richtwald Kowalewo
Hump Kukły
Kumilsko tomorrow Kumielsk
Lissaken Drugs Lisaki
Mykutten Mikutten Mikuty
Niegossen Niegosy incorporated into Kosken
Skodden Schoden (East Pr.) Szkody
Sokollen (K)
parish of Kumilsko
(from 1935 :)
Falkendorf (Ostpr.)
Pay ancestors Sołdany
Zwalinnen Surges Cwaliny

On January 1, 1945, the districts of Morgen included: Birkenberg, Birkental, Drugen, Falkendorf, Jakubben, Kosken, Kuckeln, Lehmannsdorf, Mikutten, Morgen, Richtwalde, Schoden, Schwallen, Soldahnen and Wächtershausen.

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