Ananus ben Ananus

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Most of the information on Ananus ben Ananus comes from the Jewish writer Flavius ​​Josephus, who published his History of the Jewish People in 93-94 AD. Here is an edition from 1644, see Jewish antiquities .

Ananus ben Ananus ( Hebrew : חנן בן חנן Hanan ben Hanan, Greek : Ἀνάνου Ἄνανος "Ananos son of Ananos"; † 68 AD) was a high priest at the Herodian Temple in Jerusalem for three months in 62 AD and a leader of the Jewish resistance against Rome .


Ananus ben Ananus came from one of the richest and most influential Jewish families at the time of Jesus of Nazareth. He was a son of Annas , who, according to Flavius ​​Josephus, was high priest from 6 to 15 AD. had four brothers Eleazar , Jonathan , Matthias and Theophilus , all of whom also played an important role in the Jerusalem temple and held the office of high priest. He was the brother-in-law of Kajaphas . According to the New Testament, Kajaphas is said to have played a key role in the condemnation of Jesus of Nazareth.


According to the Jewish antiquities , written by the Jewish writer Flavius ​​Josephus between 93 and 94 AD, Ananus ben Ananus was instrumental in the murder of the brother of Jesus of Nazareth during his short term as high priest . Ordinarily, the Temple Council of Jerusalem was not allowed to pronounce death sentences. Ananus ben Ananus is said to have used the time between the deposition of the old Roman governor Porcius Festus ( Acts 25.4 EU ) and the arrival of the new Roman governor Lucceius Albinus to obtain a death sentence by stoning his brother Jesus . The death sentence was carried out despite protests by Pharisees in the Temple Council ( Synhedrion ). The new governor Lucceius Albinus, who was in Alexandria , threatened the high priest with dismissal because of his independent decisions. Then King Agrippa had him deposed. He was replaced by Jesus ben Damneus , the last high priest of the Second Temple. After his release, he continued to be an important Jewish leader. He died in 68 AD in the Jewish civil war for power in Jerusalem during the siege of the temple by the Zealots . Ananus ben Ananus is assigned to the Zealot Party and was one of its leaders.

See also

References and comments

  1. | Rainer Metzner The Celebrities in the New Testament: A Prosopographical Comment p. 236
  2. Flavius ​​Josephus: He therefore assembled the high council for judgment and put before it the brother of Jesus, who is called Christ, by the name of James, as well as some others whom he accused of breaking the law and had them stoned.
  3. Flavius ​​Josephus: Agrippa horrified him as a result of this incident already after three months in office and appointed Jesus, the son of Damnaeus, high priest.
  4. ^ Full text of "Flavius ​​Josephus Works: Antiquities, War, Apion, Life. Translated by Heinrich Clementz"
  5. Louis H. Feldman, Gåohei Hata, Josephus, the Bible, and History, 203