Anarg Friedrich von Wildenfels

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Epitaph of Anarg Friedrich von Wildenfels in the church in Härtensdorf

Anarg Friedrich von Wildenfels (* 1555 ; † February 26, 1602 in Prague ) was a professor at the Saxon Faculty of Charles University in Prague , rector of the University of Jena and owner of the Wildenfels estate .


Wildenfels was the electoral Saxon governor of Plauen and the entire Vogtland district. In 1598, four years before his death, he founded the hammer mill in Wildenthal in the Upper Western Ore Mountains . Wildenfels died as a participant in a legation staying in Prague . His remains were transferred to his home in Wildenfels. He was buried in the hereditary funeral of the Lords of Wildenfels, in the crypt of the Church of the Three Marien Härtensdorf, the former court church of the Wildenfels rule. After the house monastery of the Lords of Wildenfels was abolished in the course of the Reformation, the Lords of Wildenfels were buried in the former court church in Härtensdorf. The little town of Wildenfels had only received a small prayer room as a branch of Härtensdorf in 1580, but it burned down again in 1589 and was only replaced by a new building in 1605. The epitaph of Anarg Friedrichs is still in the church of the Three Marys in Härtensdorf. He rests there next to his father, Heinrich von Wildenfels and probably also next to his grandfather Anarg Heinrich von Wildenfels, who died on the occasion of a visitation in Altenburg in 1539, as well as in Altenburg there is an epitaph in Härtensdorf that is ascribed to Anarg Heinrich von Wildenfels. In addition to the epitaphs of Anarg Heinrich, Heinrich and Anarg Friedrich von Wildenfels, there is also a depiction of the old Wildenfels coat of arms (rediscovered during roofing work in 1999, professionally secured and now visible in the entrance area) in the church of the Drei Marien Härtensdorf.

The Lords of Wildenfels owned the imperial estate , and Anarg Friedrich von Wildenfels was one of the signatories of the Agreement Formula of 1577 and the Book of Agreement of 1580.

He became a widower on December 26, 1600 when his wife Susanna nee. von Scharfenberg died. Since neither of them left behind any sons, only daughters, the imperial-free lords of Wildenfels died out in the male line in 1602. After his death, the rule of Wildenfels passed to the House of Solms-Laubach in accordance with an inheritance contract .

On September 19, 1600, the daughter Anarg Friedrichs was married to Count Schlick zu Passaun in Wildenfels Castle (marriage entry in the marriage register of 1600 from Härtensdorf). Anarg Friedrich's sister died on January 9, 1614 in Falkenau . Anarg Friedrich's eldest son Heinrich was born on February 20, 1578, and the twins Wolff Friedrich and Johanna were born on February 27, 1579. Heinrich died in Somitz / Hungary in 1599 - he was stabbed to death by Joachim Schenken von Landspergk ; Wolff Friedrich died on August 13, 1596 in front of Hatvan in Hungary, he is buried in Göntesch. Anarg Friedrich's wife died on December 26th, 1600 at the age of 45 and was buried in the Härtensdorf crypt on January 8th, 1601 (death register 1600 von Härtensdorf).

Individual evidence

  1. See BSLK , p. 15 and p. 763.