André Nocquet

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André Nocquet (born July 30, 1914 in Prahecq in the Deux-Sèvres department ; † March 12, 1999 ) was a French Aikido teacher (8th Dan).

Nocquet practiced judo under Mikonosuke Kawaishi since 1938 (up to 4th Dan). In France he began with Aikidō with Mochizuki Minoru and then with Tadashi Abe , on whose recommendation he went to Japan in 1955 to study in the Hombu-Dōjō as a student (Uchideshi) of Ueshiba Morihei .

After his return to Europe he taught Aikido there.

André Nocquet was the founder and president of the European Aikido Union and one of the formative teachers of Rolf Brand and Erhard Altenbrandt . According to Gerd Wischnewski, Nocquet had a significant influence on the technical development of the German Aikido Association , of which he was honorary president until his death. His student John Emmerson (5th Dan) founded the style DAN (" Dynamic Aikido Nocquet ") with Nocquet's permission . In France, some of his students have formed the Groupe Historique Aïkido André Nocquet .


  • The way of the AIKI-DO. Presence and Message from O-Sensei Morihei UYESHIBA. 3. Edition. Kristkeitz, Berlin 1981, ISBN 3-921508-08-8 .
  • Le cœur Épée (French "sword heart")
  • Zen et Aiki ne Font Qu'un (French "Zen and Aiki are one")

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