Andra Teede

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Andra Teede

Andra Teede (born September 23, 1988 in Tallinn ) is an Estonian writer , critic and screenwriter .


Andra Teede graduated from high school in Tallinn in 2007 and studied Estonian language and literature at the University of Tartu from 2007 to 2010 . However, she left the university without a degree and studied dramaturgy from 2010 to 2014 at the Theater School of the Estonian Academy of Music and Drama . In 2014 she completed this training with a bachelor's degree .

Andra Teede has been a member of the Estonian Writers' Union since 2008 . She lives as a freelance writer in Tallinn.


Andra Teede made her debut in an anthology of young authors in 2005 and published her first book at the age of 17.

The debut volume A Taxi in the Tallinn Sky

Her debut volume A Taxi in the Tallinn Sky (2006) received almost unanimous critical acclaim. Here parallels to Jürgen Rooste were discovered, a poet with whom the author was later often compared. Only the poet Sven Kivisildnik , known for his biting and sharp-tongued criticism , came up with a rough outline. However, he was directed more against the editors of the collection than against the poet herself, who he recommended “to continue writing, but to behave very paranoid towards all irresponsible experts and entrepreneurs.” The author proves that the author was serious and not malicious The fact that he brought out the third and fourth volumes (2009, 2011) of the now well-known poet in his own publishing house.

In the second collection of poems, the literary scholar Mart Velsker praised the “very good sense of rhythm” and called the volume “a strong signal from the cosmos, the confirmation that one has really reached the stars.” The poet colleague Vahur also spoke of a “new star” Afanasjev . The author consolidated her position with her other volumes of poetry, which were regularly reviewed in the most important magazines.

Andra Teede has been the scriptwriter of the extremely successful Estonian television series Õnne 13 , initiated by Astrid Reinla , and which is still running today.


  • Takso Tallinna taevas ('A taxi in the Tallinn sky'). Tallinn: Verb 2006. 56 pp.
  • Saage üle ('Overcome it'). Tallinn: Tänapäev 2007. 93 pp.
  • Atlas ('Atlas'). Pärnu: Jumalikud Ilmutused 2009. 64 pp.
  • Käigud (' Gänge ') Pärnu-Saarde: Jumalikud Ilmutused 2011. 108 pp.
  • Ühe jalaga põhjas ('With one leg on the ground'). Tallinn: Kite 2013. 56 pp.
  • 100% Andra Teede ('100% AT'). Pärnu: Ji 2014. 155 pp.
  • Pikad mehed, pikad elud ('Long men, long lives'). Pärnu: Ji 2018. 70 pp.
  • Kaks point zero ('two point zero'). sl: Teede tekst 2018. 99 pp.

Secondary literature

  • Alvar Loog: Nukrus, (enese) irooniline nukrus, in: Looming 11/2006, pp. 1736-1740.
  • Mart Velsker: Eesti luule Valentina Tereškova, in: Looming 9/2007, pp. 1420–1425.
  • Vahur Afanasjev : Tüdruk, kes ei tulnud laua pealt alla, in: Vikerkaar 10–11 / 2007, pp. 181–182.
  • Mariliin Vassenin: Kadunud maailma teedel, in: Vikerkaar 12/2009, pp. 113–116.
  • Mihkel Kaevats : Luuletus ootamisest, in: Looming 6/2012, pp. 881-884.
  • Maia Tammjärv: Äraolemise järg, in: Looming 4/2014, pp. 560-562.
  • Elo Rekkaro: Laul meremehe naisest, in: Vikerkaar 6/2014, pp. 100-102.

Web links

  • Jayde Will: Interview with Andra Teede, in: Estonian Literary Magazine 35 (autumn 2012), p. 22-23: [1]

Individual evidence

  1. Alvar Loog: Nukrus, (enese) irooniline nukrus, in: Looming 11/2006, p. 1737.
  2. Kivisildnik: “Nad vaatavad telesarju, sest kardavad lõppe,” in Vikerkaar 1–2 / 2007, pp. 178–180.
  3. Mart Velsker: Eesti luule Valentina Tereškova, in: Looming 9/2007, pp. 1424-1425.
  4. ^ Vahur Afanasjev: Tüdruk, kes ei tulnud laua pealt alla, in: Vikerkaar 10-11 / 2007, p. 182.
  5. See the entry in the international film file