Andrea Maffei

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Andrea Maffei

Andrea Maffei (born April 19, 1798 in Molina di Ledro , † November 27, 1885 in Milan ) was an Italian poet.


Maffei proved himself above all as a translator of German poets. His excellent interpretations of Friedrich Schiller's dramas in 1827 were remarkable. Maffei also translated Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Faust and Hermann and Dorothea , Salomon Gessner's Idyllen , Franz Grillparzer's Medea , Heinrich Heines Almansor and Ratcliff . His translations from English include John Milton's Paradise Lost , Lord Byron's Cain , poems by Thomas Moore, and a few dramas by Shakespeare .

Maffei himself wrote poems, including Arte, affetti, fantasie (1864) and opera libretti, including the 1847 texts to Macbeth and I masnadieri for Giuseppe Verdi .


Web links

Commons : Andrea Maffei  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
Wikisource: Andrea Maffei  - Sources and full texts (Italian)