Andrea Wolfensberger

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Andrea Wolfensberger (born May 9, 1961 in Zurich ) is a Swiss sculptor and installation artist .


Andrea Wolfensberger studied at the Ecole Supérieure d'Art Visuel in Geneva. She has received various grants and awards as well as artist in residencies in Paris and Rome. She teaches at the Bern University of the Arts . Since 1986 she has had numerous exhibitions in Switzerland, Germany and France and has realized works in public spaces and as art in buildings. In the artistic discourse on the subject of nature, she takes a very unique, stringent position with painting, sculpture, film, video and installations, which unites scientific abstraction and narrative poetry. She lives and works in Waldenburg BL and Zurich.

Exhibitions (selection)

  • 2018: Kaleidoscope Worpswede - work of art landscape, living space , Worpswede museums (D)
  • 2017: Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire, Center d'Arts et de Nature, Chaumont (F)
  • 2014: Métamorphisme, Art Museum Sion (CH)
  • 2013: six memos for the next ... , MAGAZIN4-Bregenz Art Association, Bregenz (A)
  • 2012: REMUE-MENAGE, Charlatan, Museum of Modern Art Salvador de Bahia (BR)
  • 2008: 4th ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival, literaturWERKstatt Berlin (D)
  • 2007: Scholarship holders of the Vordemberge-Gildewart Foundation , Museum Wiesbaden (D)
  • 2000: stay , Akademie der Künste , Berlin (D)
  • 1999: Deichtorhallen Hamburg (D)
  • 1998: Reserves of longing , Dortmunder U , former Union brewery Dortmund (D)
  • 1993; 1996: Kunsthaus Glarus
  • 1991 Art Europe , Dortmunder Kunstverein (D)
  • 1990 Transformations , Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa (PT), Transformations , Mamco , Genève (CH)
  • 1989 iron 89 . Perspectives on Swiss iron sculpture, Dietikon (CH), Art en plein air, Môtiers (CH)
  • 1987 Traces du sacré dans la sculpture suisse contemporaines , Bex & Arts, Bex (CH)
  • 1986 Repères / Merkzeichen , Cantonal Art Museum, Sion (CH)


  • ..then listen again ... Andrea Wolfensberger. Solothurn Art Museum. Text: Christoph Vögele. Edizioni Periferia, Luzern / Poschiavo 2011.
  • Andrea Wolfensberger. Time magnifiers. Ed .: Karen van den Berg and Irene Müller. Periferia, Lucerne 2007.
  • Elisabeth Arpagaus. Andrea Wolfensberger. Kunsthaus Glarus. Texts: Annette Schindler and Marietta Johanna Schürholz. Glarus 1993.

Web links