Andreas Köhler (doctor)

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Andreas Köhler (born November 20, 1960 in Hambrücken near Bruchsal ) is a German medical officer. From 2005 to February 2014 he was chairman of the board of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV), Berlin.


After studying human medicine (1981–1987), he continued his training as a surgeon in the Bundeswehr until 1989, which he broke off without obtaining a medical specialist title. His second degree was in business administration (1989–1994). During this time he was managing director of a clinic / hotel.

In 1995 he started working for the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, first as a consultant, then as a consultant for fundamental questions at KV Südwürttemberg and as head of the “Fee schedule and remuneration” department. In 1999 he became Deputy General Manager and in 2004 General Manager of KBV, of which he has been Chairman of the Board since January 1, 2005. In March 2011 he was re-elected and confirmed as CEO. At the Christmas party of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in 2012, Köhler caused a nationwide sensation when he lined up Angela Merkel with Julius Caesar , Charlemagne , Napoleon and Adolf Hitler and spoke of a list of statesmen who tried unsuccessfully to unite Europe.

In November 2013 he suffered a heart attack and had to leave his post for the time being. At the beginning of January 2014 he resumed his work and in mid-January was forced to resign on March 1, 2014 for health reasons. Andreas Gassen was elected as his successor as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians .

In mid-July 2015 it became known that the KBV is examining the extent to which investigations are being initiated against its former chairman. In early December 2015, the Köhler case was followed by a complaint from the Federal Ministry of Health to the Berlin public prosecutor's office; it was based on allegations of infidelity in a particularly serious case.

The KBV cut his retirement pay. He is suing the Berlin Regional Court against this.

In 2019, Köhler was honored with the Kaspar Roos Medal awarded by the Virchow Association for his tenure, which was associated with many structural changes and economic successes.


  • Andreas Köhler: Cologne commentary on EBM. Comment on the uniform evaluation standard for medical services including BMÄ and E-GO. With the collaboration of P. Abraham, D. Best, et al. (See also BMÄ )
  • Andreas Köhler: Cologne Commentary on EBM on CD-ROM. Program with graphical user interface.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ärzteblatt: Köhler confirmed in office ( memento from July 23, 2012 in the web archive )
  3. Miriam Hollstein: Andreas Köhler: Medical chief puts Merkel in a row with Hitler. In: . December 20, 2012, accessed October 7, 2018 .
  4. Anette Dowideit: infidelity allegations against ex-KBV head Andreas Köhler. In: . July 15, 2015, accessed October 7, 2018 .
  5. shows- ehemaligen-kbv-chef- koehler-an
  6. In the swamp of the health system. The trial against the ex-head of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians starts today. Government wants to control medical officials more strictly. Bonner General-Anzeiger of November 17, 2016, p. 10.
  7. Elke Bartholomäus: Names and Messages. In: Deutsches Ärzteblatt. Volume 116, Issue 51-52, December 23, 2019, p. B 1979.