Andreas Kossiski

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Andreas Kossiski (born June 11, 1958 in Itzehoe ) is a German police officer, politician ( SPD ) and trade unionist.

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Andreas Kossiski worked as a police officer in Schleswig-Holstein from 1974 to 2003 , among other things as personal advisor to the interior ministers there, Hans Peter Bull and Ekkehard Wienholtz . During this time he completed his studies at the Police Command Academy in Münster and at the University of Freiburg (Switzerland) in the fundraising course . In addition, from 2001 to 2003 he was delegated to the support staff of the German Crime Prevention Forum in Bonn . In 2003 he moved to the state of North Rhine-Westphalia as a civil servant . Until June 2004, Kossiski was the head of the command post in the Northwest Police Inspection for the boroughs of Chorweiler and Nippes in the Cologne Police Headquarters. He was then implemented as a management assistant in the context of the beginning model test of other management structures at the Cologne police headquarters (area of ​​responsibility: strategy and controlling). From March 2006 he worked in the management staff of the Cologne Police Headquarters (department head for the press office and public relations). In 2008 he took over the management of traffic inspection 2 in Cologne.

From 2009 to 2017, Kossiski was chairman of the DGB in the Cologne-Bonn region and a member of the DGB district board of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Kossiski has been a member of the SPD since 1978. He was a member of the district board of Jusos in the Steinburg district , chairman of the local association and member of the local council in Lägerdorf . Since 2011 he has been a member of the sub-district executive committee of the SPD Cologne. In the state elections in 2012 , he won the direct mandate in the Cologne IV constituency . On November 19, 2013, Kossiski was appointed as a full member of the constituent NRW Constitutional Commission, which is dedicated to reforming the North Rhine-Westphalian constitution.

In the state election in 2017 , Kossiski was able to defend the direct mandate in his Cologne constituency and move back into the state parliament. There he is a member of the Interior and Sports Committee.

On February 15, 2020, the SPD Cologne nominated Kossiski as its mayoral candidate for the 2020 local elections .

Kossiski lives with his wife in Cologne and is the father of two adult sons.

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