Andreas Trum

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Andreas Trum (born November 28, 1920 in Hochdorf; † May 28, 1947 in Landsberg am Lech ) was a German SS Oberscharführer and block leader in the Mauthausen concentration camp .


Andreas Trum was the son of the farmer Johann Trum and his wife Katharina Trum. After seven classes in elementary school, he attended the elementary training school for three years. After finishing school he took a position as a caretaker in a hotel in Zwiesel .

On January 1, 1938, he became a member of the General SS . On October 25, 1940, he was drafted into the Waffen SS . After his training in Graz with the 2nd substitute battalion of the Waffen SS regiment “Der Führer”, Trum was transferred to the SS division “Das Reich” . With his unit he took part in the Balkans and Russian campaigns. In February 1942, Trum was seriously wounded in the Rschew Kessel Battle . On December 15, 1942, he began his service in the command headquarters of the Mauthausen concentration camp. He was also a block leader and took over the post of labor service leader in 1943. In this function, he decided on the allocation of prisoners to the individual work details. He participated in every shooting and was not even ashamed of mistreating the detainee at the execution site.

On May 28, 1945 he was arrested in Deggendorf and taken to the US prisoner of war camp in Moosburg . When he was interrogated on February 9, 1946, Trum denied any initiative of his own and cited the orderly emergency. On May 13, 1946, he was sentenced to death by hanging as part of the main Mauthausen trial. After the death sentence was pronounced , his wife wrote several pardons to General Joseph T. Mcnarney, Commander in Chief of the US Army in Europe . The appeals for clemency were rejected. The sentence was carried out on May 28, 1947 in the Landsberg War Crimes Prison .


  • Gregor Holzinger (Ed.): The second row: perpetrator biographies from the Mauthausen concentration camp . new academic press, Vienna, 2016 ISBN 978-3700319788 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Gregor Holzinger: The second series: perpetrator biographies from the Mauthausen concentration camp , Vienna, 2016, p. 172.
  2. ^ A b Gregor Holzinger: The second row: perpetrator biographies from the Mauthausen concentration camp , Vienna, 2016, p. 173.
  3. ^ A b Gregor Holzinger: The second series: perpetrator biographies from the Mauthausen concentration camp , Vienna, 2016, p. 174.