Cengiz Dogu

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Cengiz Doğu (born August 1, 1945 in Bergama , Turkey ; † November 14, 2019 in Dachau ) was a Turkish- German publicist , poet , screenwriter and human rights activist of Turkish origin.


Doğu attended high school in Izmir and studied Turkish language and literature in Istanbul from 1965 to 1974 . He was politically active since 1966, ideologically approached the Turkish Workers' Party and in 1968 co-founded the “Student Association of Turkology”.

After the military coup in 1971 , all clubs were banned and Cengiz Dogu was jailed for 20 days. He did his military service from 1975 to 1977, his studies were canceled in 1977. He worked as a newspaper corrector and left for the Federal Republic of Germany in 1978, but returned to Turkey a few months later. But after the military coup in 1980 , Dogu feared for his life and fled to Germany.

From 1981 to 1988 he lived in Neuburg an der Donau in the assembly camp for asylum seekers, where he wrote the volume of poetry The camp does not resemble the dungeons of Anatolia . Since his asylum application was rejected, he had to reckon with deportation to Turkey for years, although many people campaigned for his right to stay: Members of the European Parliament, the writers' association, asylum districts. In Neuburg, people took to the streets for him and collected signatures against his threatened deportation. In 1989 he married Lili Schlumberger, then spokeswoman for the Bavarian Refugee Council , and moved to Dachau with her . In 1991 he was recognized as a person entitled to asylum and received German citizenship in 1997.

Doğu's poems and prose texts have been published in several books and publications, he was involved in Germany with readings and campaigns for refugees , for human rights and against racism ; He earned his living as a warehouse clerk. For the documentary short film Asyl (1984) by Friedrich Klütsch , which was awarded the title “valuable” , he developed the script together with Osvaldo Bayer and Urs M. Fiechtner . The film was in 1984 at the International Festival of Film Schools Munich shown and won at the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen the price of the German Film Critics.

In 1989 Doğu became a member of the Association of German Writers and from 1994 to 2006 he was a member of the Munich group of the working group literature in the world of work . He brought Dogu's own experience in the assembly camp to bear in the conversations with the former prisoners during their visits to the Dachau concentration camp memorial .

Cengiz Doğu died after a long illness in Dachau and was buried in a small group at the forest cemetery at the request of his widow.

Lyric work

Doğu's lyrical poems, prose articles and book publications in German and Turkish come from bitter experiences of imprisonment, flight, camp and exile. People flee "when the hunters start their hunt [...], when the voice of torture takes the place of laughter [...]", wrote Dogu in a poem. Above all his poem Why did you flee your country? was reprinted several times.

In 1988, Dogu's bilingual collection of poems appeared. The camp is not like the dungeons of Anatolia . In seven years in the assembly camp in Neuburg he had created poems in which he sings the sad song of the asylum, the longing for home and freedom for his country, but also powerful verses of love, life and death. He contrasts the long nights in the camp with “the small, wretched cells of the Anatolian dungeons in which humanity is bleeding”. The Danube Forest, which he has got to know “for three and a half years”, is also reflected in his other book of poems, Neuburg songs . Just like the forest, Dogu “cannot change his place”. When his volume of poems from the dungeons of Anatolia appeared in an expanded new edition 20 years after the first edition, he was no longer able to attend readings because of his progressive illness.


  • Tayfun Demir: DOGU, Cengiz . In: Turkish literature in German: a bibliography with explanations . Secretariat for Joint Cultural Work in North Rhine-Westphalia, Wuppertal 1995.



  • The camp is not like the dungeons of Anatolia. Benzemiyor Anadolu hapishanelerine Neuburg'un mülteci kampı. Poems bilingual, German and Turkish, translation by Herbert Kugler, Verlag Schanzer Journal, Ingolstadt 1988. Second corrected and ext. Edition transl. v. Cengiz Dogu, Herbert Kugler and Lili Schlumberger-Dogu, Frieling, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-8280-2602-5
  • Neuburg-Lieder , Edition Pergamon, self-published, Dachau 1998
  • Der Mensch , Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2009, ISBN 978-3-8370-3525-4
  • Refugees: The street children of mankind. Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2009, ISBN 978-3-8370-8117-6


  • Report from Mamak . In: Anja Tucker man (ed.): Beaten in the flight: Stories from the West German asylum (=  collection Luchterhand . No. 0852 ). Luchterhand Literaturverlag, Frankfurt am Main 1989, ISBN 978-3-630-61852-4 , p. 144-150 .
  • Why are you fled from your country . In: Anja Tucker man (ed.): Beaten in the flight: Stories from the West German asylum (=  collection Luchterhand . No. 0852 ). tape 0852 . Luchterhand Literaturverlag, Frankfurt am Main 1989, ISBN 978-3-630-61852-4 , p. 151-157 .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Offer an alternative. In: Sueddeutsche Zeitung. August 21, 2017, accessed June 12, 2020 .
  2. a b c Petra Stengel: A literary reunion after 20 years. In: Donaukurier , September 16, 2008.
  3. "ai" against deportation. In: taz.de . July 28, 1988. Retrieved July 5, 2020.
  4. ^ A b c d Walter Gierlich: Critics of the military dictatorship: With poetry against hatred. Süddeutsche Zeitung , December 10, 2019.
  5. Thomas Balbierer: Uncompromising fighter. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. May 18, 2020, accessed June 12, 2020 .
  6. a b Founding Thoughts 1999/2000 , Initiative 21 for innovative art and content
  7. Asylum. Documentary; Short film BRD 1984 , German Film and Media Assessment (FBW)
  8. asylum - Film detail. In: hff-muenchen.de. University of Television and Film Munich (HFF), accessed on June 17, 2020 .
  9. Participation in the anniversary volume of the Werkkreis : Gabi Anders Hanfstingel u. a. (Ed.): Harvest hope! 33 years of working group literature in the world of work, workshop Munich. Geest-Verlag, Vechta-Langenförden 2003, ISBN 978-3-936389-81-4
  10. ^ My shadow in Dachau: Charity event for the Dachau Memorial , Literaturhaus Munich , April 29, 1998
  11. When even the days are dark. In: Mercury. November 8, 2013, accessed April 24, 2020 .
  12. In: Gisela Klemt-Kozinowski: Looking for a place to live: Asylum reader . Signal-Verlag, Baden-Baden 1987, ISBN 978-3-7971-0259-1 , p. 83 f.
    In: On the Way - Justice and Flight , materials for the Sunday Judika, March 13, 2016, Church Development Service of the Northern Church , PDF p. 36
    In: Kurdistan heute No. 21/22, September / October 1997, p. 70
  13. https://books.google.com/books/about/In_die_Flucht_geschlagen.html?id=dm0TAQAAMAAJ
  14. https://d-nb.info/861157737/04
  15. ^ New German-language publications on the subject of Turkey - 2008 , Goethe-Institut , October 9, 2008
  16. ^ Cengiz Dogu: Neuburg songs . Ed .: Edition Pergamon, self-published. Dachau 1998.