Andreas von Koskull

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Andreas Leon Franz Alexander Baron von Koskull (born November 30 . Jul / 13. December  1906 greg. In Adsirn, community Kandau , Circle Talsen , † 1992 ) was a Baltic German standartenführer and war criminals .


Andreas von Koskull was born as the son of Majoratsherr Adam Carl Eduard Wilhelm Alexander Graf von Koskull (* 23 March July / 4 April 1866 greg. In Tergeln ( Tārgale ), Windau district , Kurland governorate ; † April 29, 1953 in Osterrade with Albersdorf , Holstein) and his wife Hildegard geb. Baroness von Hahn (born July 17, 1880 in Herbergen ( Ērberģe ), Friedrichstadt district , Kurland governorate; † September 5, 1947 in Gronau , Hanover).

In 1928 Koskull began studying law in Riga , which he broke off in 1930. After 1934 he worked under the leadership of Erhard Kroeger as a full-time functionary of the illegal National Socialist "movement" in Latvia and in October 1939 was actively involved in the resettlement of the Baltic Germans as part of the "Home in the Reich" campaign. In 1940 he joined the General SS in Posen / Warthegau as a Sturmbannführer and became head of the personnel department in the immigrant headquarters of the Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle. In June 1941 he was employed in one of the SS Einsatzgruppen , where he became the deputy chief of the Einsatzkommando 6 led by Erhard Kroeger . In this capacity Koskull was involved in the murder of Jews in Ukraine between 1941 and 1942 . From November 1944 he was Erhard Kroeger's deputy in the "Control Center Russia" in the SS Main Office, Office Group D.

After the war, Koskull was initially active in various youth welfare organizations in western Germany. When an arrest warrant was issued against him in the Federal Republic of Germany , he fled to South America in 1966 . As early as April 16, 1966 he was arrested in the Netherlands Antilles and extradited to the German authorities on the basis of a request for legal assistance to which the Dutch government had agreed . In 1968 he became the Regional Court of Tübingen accessory to murder in 90 cases (case Dobromil / Ukraine) to a term of imprisonment convicted of one year and seven months, he in prison Rheinbach dismounted.


  • Article Koskull. In: Genealogical handbook of the count's houses. Volume 12 (= Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels , Volume 94), CA Starke Verlag, Limburg an der Lahn 1988, pp. 294-297, especially p. 296
  • Matthias Schröder: The Baltic German National Socialist "movement" in Latvia under Erhard Kroeger. In: Michael Garleff (Ed.): Baltic Germans, Weimar Republic and Third Reich. Volume 2, Böhlau, Cologne 2008, ISBN 978-3-412-12299-7 , pp. 121–149, especially p. 145, note 37 (short curriculum vitae) and p. 439 (personal register)
  • Matthias Schröder: Baltic German SS leaders and Andrej Vlasov 1942–1945. "Russia can only be defeated by Russians". Erhard Kroeger, Friedrich Buchardt and the Russian “Liberation Army”. Schöningh, Paderborn [a. a.] 2001; also: Dissertation, University of Münster (Westphalia), 2000, ISBN 3-506-77520-0 , p. 32 (short curriculum vitae with sources), also pp. 25, 38, 55, 61, 63–65, 68–69, 168 , 186, 211, Figure 3 on the plates after p. 232
  • Jürgen von Hehn: The resettlement of the Baltic Germans - the last chapter in Baltic German history (= Marburg East Research, Volume 40). 2nd edition, J.-G.-Herder-Institut, Marburg / Lahn 1984, ISBN 3-87969-169-X , pp. 91-92, 124, 129, 131, 178, 179, 181
  • Wilhelm Wheels: Album Curonorum 1808–1932. [Riga] [1932], No. 1753 (short biography until 1928)
  • Album Curonorum II. 1932-1978. [1978], No. 1753 (short biography until 1972)