Andrei Nikiforovich Voronikhin

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Andrei Nikiforovich Voronikhin

Andrey Voronikhin ( Russian Андрей Никифорович Воронихин * October 17 jul. / 28. October  1759 greg. In Novoye Ussolje, Perm province ; † February 21 jul. / 5. March  1814 greg. In Saint Petersburg ) was a Russian architect , Sculptor and painter.


Voronichin was a serf of Count Alexander Stroganov and was sent to Moscow in 1777 to study painting and the fine arts . There the architects Vasily Baschenow and Matwei Kazakow were among his teachers. After that he went to Saint Petersburg, where he continued his studies. Count Stroganov took him on his extensive travels through Russia, during which he had made several sketches and pictures for his "master". Since the count was deeply impressed by the talent of Voronichin, he gave him freedom in 1786 and continued to patronize him. Among other things, he financed his trips to Switzerland and Paris , where Voronichin deepened his knowledge of painting and the visual arts and devoted himself to studying architecture and mathematics .

He returned home in 1790 and soon received his first assignment. He was commissioned to modernize and expand the palace of his patron family, the Stroganovs in Saint Petersburg. In 1794 he was accepted into the Academy of Fine Arts of Russia for his excellent and in part innovative building methods. Voronikhin continued to do most of the construction work for the Stroganovs, earning a reputation as one of the best contemporary architects in Russia and being appointed chief architect in the construction of the Kazan Cathedral in 1800 .

The order to build this cathedral in Saint Petersburg (from 1801 to 1813) represented the high point of Voronikhin's architectural achievement. He decided to realize his ideas and traditions on his own, drawing inspiration from the structure of St. Peter's Basilica . He wanted to perpetuate the “greatness and strength” of the Russian people in the triumphant sight of the cathedral and at the same time give it a certain lightness and suppleness. As the symbolic center of the cathedral, he designed the huge colonnade, which gave the cathedral the impression of a public building.

At the same time he built the building of the Berginstitut in St. Petersburg (from 1806 to 1811), where he himself designed and made several groups of sculptures that were positioned in the building. In 1803 he restored the Tsar's Palace in Pavlovsk .

When Voronikhin died in St. Petersburg in 1814, he was a rich man who frequented the highest circles of tsarist society. His childhood and youth, which he spent as a serf, made him strive for fame and recognition throughout his life.

Voronikhin's achievements represented a further development of the Russian architecture of the time.


  • Кузнецов С. О. Диалог Франческо Растрелли и Андрея Воронихина в истории Строгановского дворца в в кн .: Новейш в корели. СПб., 1995 и в кн .: Архитектура мира. Материалы конференции «Запад-Восток: Искусство композиции в истории архитектуры». Ред.-сост. Н. Смолина. М., 1996. С. 44-51.
  • Кузнецов С. О. Новые материалы о творчестве Андрея Воронихина в первой половине 1790-х годов // Петербургские чтенея. 99.енея. коллегия под пред. Т. А. Славиной. СПБ., 1999. С.555-559.
  • Кузнецов С. О. Греческий сад графа Строганова // Русская галерея. 2000. № 1-2. С.74-77.
  • Кузнецов С. О. "Сочинить хорошенький кабинет". Собрание дома Строгоновых // История Петербурга. 2001. № 2. С.66-71
  • Кузнецов С. О. Дворец и его архитекторы // Наше наследие. 2001 № 59-60. С.34-45 [1]
  • Кузнецов С. О. Строгановская дача: "Одиссея на Черной речке" // Наше наследие. 2002. № 61. С.15-20 [2]
  • Кузнецов С. О. Братцево // Там же. С.39. [3]
  • Кузнецов С. О. Казанский собор // Три века Санкт-Петербурга. Энциклопедия в трех томах. Том II. Девятнадцатый век. Книга третья. К-Л. СПб., 2004. С.36-38.
  • Кузнецов С. О. Прорубить окно на восток. Алхимический зал Строгоновского дома // Реликвия. 2005. № 4. С.44-49.
  • Кузнецов С. О. Не хуже Томона. Государственная, меценатская, собирательская деятельность рода Строгоновых в 1771—1817 гг. и формирование имперского облика С.-Петербурга. СПБ .: Нестор, 2006—447 с. - ISBN 5-303-00293-4
  • Кузнецов С. О. Дворцы и дома Строгоновых. Три века истории .. - М-СПб: Центрполиграф, МиМ-Дельта, 2008. - 319 с. - ISBN 978-5-9524-3471-4

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Commons : Andrey Voronikhin  - Collection of images, videos and audio files