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Androgynophore of a blue passion flower ( Passiflora caerulea )
Androgynophore in Cleome gynandra

The Androgynophor , occasionally Gynandrophor or Gonophor called, is a term used in botany, specifically the flowers - morphology . It denotes an elongated internode between the perianth (the sepals and / or petals) and the stamens and the pistil .

In flowers with androgynophore there is a combination of gynophore and androphor , so stamens and pistils are lifted above the flower envelope. If the elongated internode is located between the stamens and the gynoeceum , i.e. only the pistil is lifted out of the flower, it is called a gynophore. In an androphor, only the stamens are raised. A so-called anthophore is also possible , which is formed between the sepals and the other flower organs in the form of a flower-bearing stalk, and separates both parts, as in the ciliate herbs ( Silene ) in the carnation family .

Androgynophores are found in pronounced form in the passion flower family or the Cleome and Gynandropsis in the Cleomaceae family .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Theodor CH Cole: Dictionary of Biology Dictionary of Biology. 4th edition, Springer, 2015, ISBN 978-3-642-55327-1 , p. 12.
  2. ^ Samuel Frederick Gray : A Natural Arrangement of British Plants. Vol. I, 1821 p. 160.