Annegret Leiner

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Annegret Leiner (* 1941 in Hanover ) is a German visual artist.


In 1961/62 Annegret Leiner began studying art history at the Saarland University in Saarbrücken . In 1962 she switched to the Werkkunstschule Saarbrücken, where she studied with Oskar Holweck . In 1963 she continued her studies at the State University of Fine Arts in Braunschweig with Emil Cimiotti and Siegfried Neuenhausen until 1966. In 1988 Leiner received a grant from the city of Saarbrücken, and in 1995 a work grant from the city of Salzburg . A year later she was awarded a work grant at the Künstlerhaus Schloss Wiepersdorf / Brandenburg.
Annegret Leiner lives and works as a freelance painter and graphic artist in Saarbrücken.


"Already in her first works, which were still completely representational drawings, one of Annegret Leiner's guiding themes emerged: the examination of the basic physical experience of space and space. Dams and walls, to single out just this group of motifs from the 1970s, figure in those early works as placeholders of the limitation and lack of freedom of human existence ". After this phase, Leiner gradually broke away from representational work and devoted himself to Art Informel , a spontaneous and emotionally oriented way of painting.

In the 80s Annegret Leiner presented new works. "Zones of compression and looseness alternate excitingly and reinforce the disturbing character of these pictures. Most of the figures are literally pressed into the pictures, brace themselves against the edges of the picture or are overlapped by them. This suggests narrowness and creates a claustrophobic aspect of this group of works "is how Barbara Weyandt describes this work.

In the years that followed, the artist devoted herself increasingly to mixed media. Large-format works emerge, which can still be traced back to the original figurative, but which allow all kinds of associations in the viewer. More recently, Leiner also banned the remains of her figurative painting and worked entirely with abstract forms. Annegret Leiner is characterized as "... an interesting voice against the current trend of figurative representations in contemporary art", who "... dares to use strict abstraction in contrast to her time", with broad brushstrokes and jagged movements being her signature.

Awards - honors

2015 Albert Weisgerber Prize for Fine Arts of the City of St. Ingbert

Exhibitions (selection)

Solo exhibitions

  • 1971 gallery h, Saarbrücken
  • 1977 Elitzer Gallery, Saarbrücken
  • 1983 Hofhaus Gallery, Saarlouis
  • 1988 "Zerrfelder", Saarländisches Künstlerhaus Saarbrücken
  • 1989 École des Beaux Arts, Metz / France
  • 1990 City Gallery Saarbrücken; Chapelle de L'Oratoire, Nantes
  • 1992 Weinand-Bessoth Gallery, Saarbrücken
  • 1993 Galerie Oeil, Forbach (Moselle) / France
  • 1996 Gallery 48, Saarbrücken
  • 1998 Saarland Democracy Foundation , Saarbrücken
  • 2001 "Annegret Leiner-New Works", Museum St. Wendel
  • 2002 "On site - work by Annegret Leiner", gallery in the art stable (old town)
  • 2006 “Landscapes”, German Clinic for Naturopathy and Preventive Medicine (DKNP), Püttlingen / Saar; "Annegret Leiner - Landscapes", Landesbank Saar, Saarbrücken
  • 2011 Saarbrücken , Kulturbahnhof (KuBa): retrospective for the 70th birthday

exhibitions Annegret Leiner was represented with her work in numerous joint exhibitions in Germany and abroad.

Works in public space

  • 1983 Merzig, health department: staircase design
  • 1985 Saarbrücken, State Office for Environmental Protection: Design of the elevator
  • 1988 Saarbrücken building of the riot police: wall design
  • 1989 Merzig , police station: staircase design
  • 1998 Homburg , women's and children's clinic: wall design
  • 2001 Berlin , new building of the Saarland representation at the federal government: design of the reception room

Individual evidence

  1. a b Barbara Weyandt: Annegret Leiner . In: Artist Lexicon
  2. Cornelieke Lagerwaard: Laudation for the opening of the exhibition in the Museum St. Wendel (2002)
  3. Audio report by Saarländischer Rundfunk on the award ceremony


  • Annegret Leiner - exhibition catalog . Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken 1990. In it: Lorenz Dittmann: Body and Body in the Art of Annegret Leiners .
  • Annegret Leiner - Architecture de la Dynamique De La Ligne . Exhibition catalog. Forbach: Galerie OEIL, 1993. In it: Anne-Marie Werner: The dialectical character of the line in Annegret Leiner's work. Approach from pragmatics .
  • Annegret Leiner - drawings 1990-1998 . Exhibition catalog. Saarbrücken: Saarland Democracy Foundation, 1998. In it: Ingeborg Koch-Haag: Notes on the work of Annegret Leiner .
  • Annegret Leiner - New Work . Exhibition catalog. St. Wendel: Museum St. Wendel, 2001. In it: Cornelieke Lagewaard: On the work of Annegret Leiner .
  • Elss-Seringhaus, Cathrin: Traces of liberation and battle. For the seventieth from Annegret Leiner. In: Saarbrücker Zeitung (Culture) of August 26, 2011, p. B4

Web links - sources