Antonio Mega Ferreira

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Antonio Mega Ferreira

António Taurino Mega Ferreira (born March 25, 1949 in Lisbon , Portugal ) is a Portuguese writer, lawyer, communication scientist, journalist, cultural functionary. He was the head of Expo 98 and works as a poet, novelist and essayist . News anchor, editor and magazine founder was also part of his field of activity.

Live and act

Mega Ferreira comes from the Lisbon district of Mouraria , where he was born and grew up. He attended the Liceu Pedro Nunes in Lisbon , where he also graduated from high school and studied law at the University of Lisbon and communication studies in Manchester . He began his career as a journalist at "Comercio de Funchal " in 1968, for which he worked until 1975. A passion for journalism developed from the student job, which he has remained true to today. This was followed by journalistic activities for Journal Novo, Expresso , ANOP and Portuguese television, for which he initially worked as editor-in-chief of the program "2 Grao" and later as a newscaster for the news program "Informaoçes 2" at RTP . He then worked as an editor at O ​​Jornal, as editor-in-chief of Jornal das Letras, and then founded the magazine "Ler" (reading). Later he was also the founder of the magazine "Oceanos" (comparable to the German magazine " Mare "). He then became a member of the Commission for the Discoveries "Commissão dos Decobrimentos", which organized Bartolomeu Dias' legendary trip for the 500th anniversary in 1988.

It was António Mega Ferreira who came up with the idea of ​​hosting a world exhibition (EXPO) in Portugal . He was the chief and official commissioner of the Portuguese Republic for the EXPO 1998, who, as chairman of the board of a company, headed the successor organization from 1999 to 2002.

As the official representative of the Portuguese government, he was involved in the opening of the Frankfurt Book Fair in 1997, which was hosted by Portugal that year.

Since 1984 he has also worked as a writer. His genres include poetry, essays and novels in a wide variety of forms. One work has been translated into Italian. His story "Amigos como Dantes" was filmed in 2005 by director Mário Barroso .

In parallel to his writing activities, he began to work as a journalist again in 1986 and is still active as a guest author, columnist and author for various newspapers and magazines , including Diário de Notícias , O Independente , Expresso, Diário Económico , Público , Visão , Egoista .

Work (selection)

  • Graca Morais-Linhas da terra, Essays, 1984.
  • O heliventilador de Resende, Roman, 1985.
  • Fernando Pessoa, o comercio ea publicidade, Essays, 1985.
  • As caixas chinesas, novel, 1988.
  • As palavras dificeis, Roman, 1991.
  • os principios do fim, poetry, 1992.
  • Os nomes de Europa, Essays, 1994.
  • A borboleta de Nabokov, Chronicle, 2000.
  • A expressao dos afeitas, novel, 2001.
  • Roma- Exercitcios de reconhemiento, city portrait / travel book, 2010.
  • Cartas de Casanova- Lisboa 1757, novel, 2012.

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