Antiope (Amazon)

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The kidnapping of Antiope by Theseus (painting by Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann)

Antiope ( ancient Greek Ἀντιόπη ) is an Amazon of Greek mythology .

According to Pausanias , she is the sister of the Amazon queen Hippolyte , the wife of Theseus . According to Servius , she is Hippolyte's daughter, according to Hyginus , she was a daughter of Ares and was killed by Theseus because of an oracle.

Theseus brought her a gift from Herakles , whereupon she later fought at his side against the Amazons invading Attica and found her death.


Web links

  • Entry: Antiope 2. In: Greek Myth Index. 2007, accessed January 26, 2014 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Pausanias , Journeys in Greece 1, 2, 1; 1, 41, 7.
  2. Maurus Servius Honoratius , Scholion zu Virgil's Aeneid 4, 16.
  3. ^ Hyginus , Fabulae 241.
  4. Diodor , Bibliotheca historica 4, 28; Plutarch , Theseus 26, 27.