Antitrichia curtipendula

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Antitrichia curtipendula
Antitrichia curtipendula (a, 143506-474108) 8913.JPG

Antitrichia curtipendula

Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Bryidae
Order : Hypnales
Family : Antitrichiaceae
Genre : Antitrichia
Type : Antitrichia curtipendula
Scientific name
Antitrichia curtipendula
( Hedw. ) Brid.

Antitrichia curtipendula (German Short Hanging hanging moss , hanging moss barbs ) is a moss - kind from the family Antitrichiaceae .


Antitrichia curtipendula forms strong, loose and mostly extensive lawns. The creeping primary stems are thread-like; the prostrate to pendulous, irregularly branched secondary trunks arise from them, which are up to 20 centimeters long. The dry-fitting to slightly protruding leaves are up to 3 millimeters long, turned back at the edges, heart-shaped at the base and drawn out into a long, sharp point. The tip of the blade is clearly marked with teeth, some of which are bent backwards (name), which can be easily recognized with a good magnifying glass. The strong vein ends in front of the leaf tip. At the base of the leaf there are usually a few short side ribs next to the leaf vein. The leaf cells are elongated rhombic to linear and up to about 40 micrometers long. In the indistinctly demarcated leaf wings, the cells are square to briefly rectangular.

Spore phytes are not common. On the 5 to 12 millimeter long, smooth, straight or curved seta there is an oval to elongated, inclined to horizontal, 2 to 3 millimeter long spore capsule.

Location claims, endangerment

Antitrichia curtipendula grows either epiphytically on trees or on rock in areas with higher rainfall in light to moderately shady areas.

The species was widespread in Central Europe in the 19th century. Due to air pollution, but also due to the destruction of old hardwood stocks or drainage, it has largely disappeared, especially in the flatlands. It is only partly common in more wooded mountain areas.


Occurrences of the species are found in Europe (north to south Sweden), in the Caucasus, in Africa, in North America and in South America (Patagonia).


Web links

Commons : Antitrichia curtipendula  - album with pictures, videos and audio files