Anton Pelican

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Anton Pelikan (born March 24, 1861 in Vienna , † January 7, 1918 in Prague ) was an Austrian mineralogist and petrograph .

Live and act

Anton Pelikan was born in 1861 as the son of the goldsmith and silversmith Anton Pelikan sen. and his wife Rosina born in Vienna. He studied from 1880 to 1885 at the Technical University of Vienna as well as at the University of Vienna and Leipzig . He completed his studies in 1885 with the teaching examination for teachers at secondary schools (Realschulen) in the subjects of natural history, physics and mathematics.

In the following years he worked as an assistant at the Mineralogical-Petrographic Institute of the University of Vienna, after completing his doctorate in Leipzig in 1895 as a private lecturer in mineralogy at the University of Vienna. He completed his habilitation in Vienna in 1896. In 1899, Pelikan was appointed to the chair of mineralogy at the KK Karl Ferdinand University in Prague as successor to Friedrich Becke .

In 1908, Pelikan was honored by being elected dean of the philosophical faculty. He died unexpectedly on January 6, 1918 of pneumonia and was buried a day later at the German Protestant cemetery in Prague-Straschnitz. He was married and had two daughters (Nora and Inge).

During his active time, Pelikan published over 40 scientific articles in the fields of mineralogy, petrography and crystallography and was an active member of the mineralogical societies in Prague and Vienna as well as the German Mineralogical Society. He is considered to be the first to describe the mineral zeophyllite .

Works (excerpt)

  • numerous articles in Tschermak's Mineralogical and Petrographische Mitteilungen der Österreichische Mineralogische Gesellschaft as well as several articles in monthly journals for chemistry and related parts of other sciences
  • 1891: A new cordierite rock from Monte Doja in the Adamello group. In: Negotiations of the imperial-royal geological Reichsanstalt
  • 1899: Scarf stones from the Fichtelgebirge, from the Harz, from Nassau and from the Vosges. In: Session reports of the mathematical and natural science class of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, Dept. I , Volume 108, pp. 741–798
  • 1902: Contributions to the knowledge of the zeolites of Bohemia. In: Meeting reports of the Academy of Sciences in Vienna, Mathematical and Natural Science Class , Volume 111, pp. 334–347 ( PDF; 1.3 MB with an initial description of the mineral zeophyllite )


Web links

  • Franz Pertlik: Anton Pelikan (* March 24, 1861, Vienna; † January 6, 1918, Prague). Full professor and dean of the Philosophical Faculty of the German Carl Ferdinand University in Prague (on the anniversary of his 150th birthday) , In: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogische Gesellschaft , Volume 57 (2011); PDF 860.3 kB