Anton Stegemann

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Anton Gerhard Conrad Stegemann (born October 18, 1863 in Wildeshausen ; † January 5, 1931 in Lohne ) was a German Catholic priest and functionary in the Catholic workers' association and politician ( center ) in the Oldenburger Münsterland .


Stegemann was the son of Hieronymus Stegemann and his wife Elisabeth born. Thole. He attended the Antonianum grammar school in Vechta and then studied theology at the University of Münster and later at the University of Innsbruck . On April 30, 1890, he was ordained a priest in Münster .

After working as a pastor in Calhorn near Essen and Lastrup , he took up his first position as a chaplain in 1898 and, from 1919, pastor in Lohne.

Stegemann was deeply impressed by the Catholic social doctrine and dealt with the social situation of hirers , craftsmen and workers in the Oldenburger Land. He was involved in the Volksverein for Catholic Germany founded in 1890 and initially organized practical social training through this association. Later he established the local groups of the Volksverein in most of the Catholic parishes in the Oldenburger Land and became regional manager of the association.

In 1904, in the up-and-coming industrial town of Lohne, he founded the first Catholic workers' association in the Oldenburger Land to complement the educational work of the Volksverein. Other workers' associations followed, for example in Oldenburg in 1906 , in Delmenhorst in 1911 and in Wilhelmshaven in 1912 . In 1910 Stegemann was appointed the first chairman of the district association of these workers' associations and held this position until 1926. Thanks to his initiative, a secretariat jointly supported by the Volksverein and the District Association of Catholic Workers' Associations was set up.

Stegemann also campaigned for the establishment of Christian trade unions. So in 1904 the Christian Tobacco Workers' Association was formed , which was followed by the Christian unions of woodworkers, metalworkers, textile workers, factory workers and leather workers in the Oldenburg region by 1910.

As a politician, Stegemann was a long-time member of the board of directors of the Oldenburg Center Party and was instrumental in building up the Oldenburg regional organization of this party. Furthermore he acted as secretary of the party in Oldenburg and as such had some influence on the political development in the Oldenburger Land in the field of social, economic and school politicians.

In 1925 he suffered a stroke, from the consequences of which he suffered until his death.
