Anton d'Antoni

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Anton d'Antoni (born June 25, 1801 in Palermo , † 1859 ) was an Austrian opera composer .


Anton d'Antoni's father and father were already musicians. At the age of twelve he composed a mass for the holiday of St. Cecilia of Rome . This fair was well received. He composed the opera Un Duello at the age of 18.

He later went to Syracuse as the opera director . There his work gli Amanti burlati was created . He was then appointed to this position in Malta . In order to further his education, he traveled through England and France . After he returned, he settled in Venice as a music teacher and trained the music band of the Hungarian regiment, Prince Wied , of which he was director.

Later he lived in Trieste and acted as director of the music gang for the infantry regiment Prince Leopold of Sicily . He also wrote classical pieces in Trieste and became friends with Giovanni Pacini and Giacomo Meyerbeer . The latter had d'Antoni's work Crusaders performed in Egypt . Another opera, Armina , was also popular and therefore thought to be a work by Meyerbeer.

After his time in Trieste, d'Antoni spent his life in Florence . There he created the opera Amazilda and found friends in Gaetano Donizetti and Vincenzo Bellini . Then he returned to Trieste. There he founded the Philharmonic Society Academia filarmonica , opened on April 23, 1851 , which found a patron in Countess Maria Wimpfen .

At an early stage, d'Antoni founded a philharmonic society that lasted twelve years. It was called L'Apollinea .


  • Un duello
  • gli Amanti burlati
  • Il Peregrino
  • Crusaders in Egypt
  • Armina
  • Amazilda
  • Giovanna Gray
