Antoni Angelowicz

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Antoni Angelowicz, Metropolitan of Lemberg (1808–1814)

Antoni Angelowicz ( Ukrainian Антін Ангелович , Polish Anton Anhełłowycz ) (born April 13, 1759 in Hryniw , Galicia ; † June 6, 1814 in Lemberg ) was a Ukrainian Catholic theologian of the United Churches , from 1796 to 1808 and then Bishop of Przemyśl his death first metropolitan of Lviv.


Antoni Angelowicz came from Galicia and was trained at the Lviv Academy, which was run by Jesuits . Afterwards he continued his training at the Konvikt for nobles and at the age of 16 began to work in an ordinary office. He also studied theology and philosophy at the Greek Catholic General Seminar in Vienna .

In 1780 Angelowicz became a professor at the seminar that moved to Lemberg that year . Three years later he was promoted to rector, making him head of the Greek Uniate students from Hungary, Galicia and Transylvania . In 1784 he became Gubernialrat when a liquidation commission had been appointed to dissolve the monastery , and from 1789 he represented the theological studies at the Studienhofkommission, which had been formed when the curriculum was changed.

Angelowicz was ordained bishop of Przemyśl on February 14, 1796 by Vazynsky von Chełm. On September 25, 1808 he became the first Metropolitan of Halytsch , his seat was in Lemberg.

Because Angelowicz refused to sign and distribute the appeal of the Polish troops from Warsaw , who campaigned for the region to become independent from Austria, he was arrested. He fled and received the Grand Cross of the Austrian-Imperial Leopold Order for his patriotism in 1809 .

Angelowicz held the office of bishop until June 6, 1814, the day he died.


Angelowicz regulated the dioceses of Lemberg and Przemyśl and established them. This change still existed in the middle of the 19th century. He donated 8,000 books for the library of the Lviv chapter and gave away the archbishop's insignia, which he had bought for 30,000 guilders . He also bought the Starostei Halytsch for 96,000 guilders, whereupon he gave it to the Lviv metropolis. However, he died before he could pay the full purchase price. Franz II paid the remaining half of the price for him.


Angelowicz wrote the translation of a pamphlet into Polish : Kto jest zaczenpną stroną, Austrya lub Francya? (1809).


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  1. The life data come from; Constantin von Wurzbach gives the date of birth 1756 and the date of death 1812 (in the correction: August 9, 1814).
  2. Constantin von Wurzbach gives 1794.
predecessor Office successor
--- Metropolitan of Lviv
Mihail Lewicki
Maksymialian Ryłło Bishop of Przemyśl
Mihail Lewicki