Mihail Lewicki

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Cardinal Michał Lewicki

Mihail Lewicki ( Polish : Michał Lewicki , Ukrainian : Миха́йло Леви́цький , English Mychajlo Levyckyj ) (born August 16, 1774 in Lanczyn ; † January 14, 1858 in Univ Lavra ) was cardinal and metropolitan of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church in the Archeparchy of Lemberg in the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria .


The son of the Ukrainian pastor Stefan Lewicki was ordained a priest in 1798 after studying theology and philosophy in Lemberg and Vienna . In 1808 he was professor of pastoral theology at the University of Lviv and in 1808 was elected to the cathedral chapter of the Lviv Archeparchy. At the age of 39, he was appointed bishop of the Przemyśl eparchy on September 20, 1813 and consecrated the same day in Vienna by Antoni Angelowicz, the archbishop and metropolitan of Lviv. On March 8, 1816, he succeeded Antoni Angelowicz as Archbishop and Metropolitan of Lemberg. In the consistory of June 16, 1856 he was by Pope Pius IX. created a cardinal. For health reasons he was unable to travel to Rome to receive the cardinal's board from the Pope's hand; he withdrew to the monastery of Univ . The Pope commissioned an apostolic delegate to visit him in the monastery and bring him the insignia .

He died in the Univ monastery and was buried there as well, if he chose.

In the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria , as Lviv Metropolitan, he had a virile vote in the Galician Landtag .


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predecessor Office successor
Antoni Angelowicz Metropolitan of Lviv
1816 - 1858
Grigory Yachimovych
Antoni Angelowicz Bishop of Przemyśl
1813 - 1816
Jan Śnigurski