Anton von Randow

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Epitaph of Anton von Randow in the market church of Bebertal (formerly Alvensleben)

Hans Anton von Randow (* July 12, 1566 in Redekin ; † July 12, 1616 in the archbishop's house in Alvensleben) was the captain of the offices of Alvensleben (today Bebertal ), Dreileben and Wanzleben.


Anton von Randow went to school in Magdeburg and - according to Pastor Georg Boethius in his funeral sermon - learned so much that he “ understood Latinam linguam (the Latin language) for necessities to a fair degree”.

After the death of his father he came to Halberstadt to see cathedral dean Ludewig von Britzke , whom he “served for a boy”. Later, when he was already court squire of Duke Otto Heinrich von Lüneburg , he moved to France with his army. In the great battle that the Duke of Guise lost against the French King Henry of Navarre , he got away with his life only with the help of a good horse.

Returning from France, Duke Franz Albert von Sachsen-Lauenburg appointed him to his chamberlain and at the same time installed him in his office. There he evidently proved to be so talented that he was sent to the Reichstag with the Chancellor and was also allowed to take part in “other distinguished embassies”.

After he had left the court in Lower Saxony, the Duke of Lüneburg appointed him court master in Dannenberg ( Lüchow-Dannenberg district ) , which he held for seven years. But since he was in the Archbishopric of Magdeburg Land, he was proposed by some related and "distinguished" canons for the vacant position of a governor - today one would say district administrator - of the offices of Alvensleben and Dreileben and there on May 18 and 19, 1610 from Hofmeister Sigismund von Hagen and the Chancellor D. Chilianus Sisserus were introduced. When the Wanzleben office became vacant, he was also entrusted with the administration of this district.

Anton only married Hippolyta von Gilten in 1614 at the age of 48, the daughter of the late Werner von Gilten on Gilten and Wristadt in the state of Lüneburg and Catharina v. Oppershausen. From the late marriage there was only one son, Christian Friedrich.


Signature of Antonius von Randow

Anton's death is presumably due to an infection that he got on one of his business trips. According to the pastor, he had happily arrived in Halle on July 5, 1616 from Dresden, where he had had to travel with the prince's wife . The following Sunday, July 7th, he was attacked by a fever. But because he was longing for his people, he set out the next day and arrived at the archiepiscopal house on July 11th towards evening already sick. That same night he sent the bailiff Henning Hampe after Helmstedt to let the resident physician Henning Arnisaeus pick. The next day he found him very weak and gave him medication, but too long had passed and the patient passed away at a quarter past seven that evening. The funeral did not take place until August 6th in the Marktkirche in Alvensleben .

Web links


  • Olof v. Randow: The Randows. A family story . Degener, Neustadt / Aisch 2001, ISBN 3-7686-5182-7 , ( German family archive 135/136).