Antonio Calderón Cruz

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Antonio Calderón Cruz (born June 13, 1959 in Guatemala City , Guatemala ) is a Guatemalan clergyman and Roman Catholic bishop of Jutiapa .


Félix Eduardo Antonio Calderón Cruz received the sacrament of ordination for the diocese of San Marcos on June 5, 1986 .

On January 25, 2016, Pope Francis appointed him first bishop of the diocese of Jutiapa, which was established on the same date . He received his episcopal ordination on April 23 of the same year by the Bishop of Jalapa , Julio Edgar Cabrera Ovalle . Co- consecrators were the Bishop of Huehuetenango , Álvaro Ramazzini , and the Bishop of Verapaz, Cobán , Rodolfo Valenzuela Núñez .

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Individual evidence

  1. a b erezione della diocesi di San Francis of Assisi de Jutiapa (Guatemala) e nomina del primo Vescovo. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , January 25, 2016, accessed January 25, 2016 (Italian).