Antonio Frova

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Antonio Frova (born July 21, 1914 in Verona ; died May 19, 2007 in Milan ) was an Italian classical archaeologist .

Antonio Frova studied classical archeology at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, where he in 1935 Roberto Paribeni laureiert was. After further studies in art history at the University of Padua , he received a scholarship from the Scuola Archeologica Italiana in Athens in 1938/1939 . In 1940 he went to Bulgaria on behalf of the Italian Foreign Ministry , where he carried out important excavations during the Second World War , including in the Colonia Ulpia Oescus , Durostorum , Kazanlak and Anchialos .

After the end of the war he first worked for the Soprintendenza alle antichità della Lombardia , where he was promoted to inspector. During this time he led the excavations in Lodi Vecchio from 1955 to 1958, and from 1959 to 1964 the excavations in Caesarea Maritima , Israel, financed by the Catholic University and the Municipality of Milan , in whose third campaign in 1961 the famous Pilate inscription was found. This was followed by his habilitation at the Catholic University of Milan in 1962 , and in 1964 he was appointed director of the National Archaeological Museum in Parma . In 1967 he became head of the Soprintendenza in Liguria , a position he held until 1976. In 1967 he began the excavations in Luna, which lasted until 1977 . In 1967 he was appointed to the chair of archeology at the Catholic University of Milan, and in 1972 to the corresponding chair at the University of Lecce . Finally, in 1977 he accepted the chair of Archeologia e storia dell'arte greca e romana from the University of Genoa , where he taught until 1990.

Publications (selection)

  • Pittura romana in Bulgaria. Palombi, Rome 1943.
  • L'arte di Roma e del mondo romano. UTET, Turin 1961.
  • L'arte etrusca. Garzanti, Milan 1963.
  • La Villa dei misteri a Pompei. Fabbri, Milan 1965
  • as editor: Scavi di Caesarea Maritima. L'Erma di Bretschneider, Rome 1966.
  • Novità archeologiche a Velleia. Giuffrè, Milan 1968.
  • as editor: Scavi di Luni. Relazione preliminare delle campagne di scavo 1970-1971. L'Erma di Bretschneider, Rome 1973.
  • Archeologia in Liguria. Scavi e scoperte, 1967-75. Soprintendenza Archeologica della Liguria, Genoa 1976.
  • as editor: Scavi di Luni. 2: Relazione delle campagne di scavo 1972, 1973, 1974. L'Erma di Bretschneider, Rome 1977.
  • Luni. Guida archeologica. Editore Zappa, Sarzana 1989.


  • Giuliana Cavalieri Manasse, Elisabetta Roffia (ed.): Splendida Civitas Nostra. Miscellanea di studi archeologici in onore di Antonio Frova. Edizioni Quasar, Rome 1995.
  • Giuliana Cavalieri Manasse, Silvia Lusuardi Siena, Elisabetta Roffia (Eds.): Antonio Frova. Archeologo e maestro. Atti della giornata in ricordo di Antonio Frova. Milano, 25th maggio 2009 (= Centro Studi Lunensi. Quaderni. New Series Volume 9.) Centro Studi Lunensi, Luni 2013.

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