Antonio Gaggini

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Antonio Gaggini or Gagini (* around 1465 in Bissone , † before 1536 in Genoa ) was a Swiss-Italian sculptor of the early Renaissance .

Life and works

Antonio Gaggini was the son of Beltrame Gaggini, mentioned as a sculptor in Genoa on November 8th 1504 together with the brothers Giovanni and Pace . He created the mausoleum for the statesman and bishop Juan Rodríguez de Fonseca (1451–1524) and three other members of this family in the Church of Coca (Spain) , province of Segovia , from Carrara marble . As early as 1515, the bishop's brother asked him to deliver a total of 212 columns for tombs.


supporting documents

  1. ^ Antonio Gaggini at (accessed December 22, 2016).
  2. Celestino Trezzini : Antonio Gaggini. S. 372, 373 (PDF , accessed on October 9, 2017).
  3. Ursula Stevens: Antonio Gaggini. In: 2016, accessed November 11, 2016 .