Giovanni Gaggini

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Giovanni Gaggini or Gagini (* around 1435 in Bissone , † 1517 in Mendrisio ) was a Swiss-Italian sculptor of the early Renaissance .

Life and works

He was the son of Beltrame Gaggini, sculptor at the Certosa di Pavia , architect, he worked in Genoa , where he is mentioned 1449-1506. He left work on the port, the Bridge dei Calvi (with the assistance of Giovanni da Gandria , 1460), the Bridge della Pila (with the assistance of Pietro da Carona , 1461), the Marco Doria and Lazzaro Doria palaces in San Matteo Square, 1468 .

In Genoa he introduced the decoration of the palace doors with rich sculptures. He created such for the church of Santa Maria di Castello (now sacristy) and for the palaces Giorgio Doria (1457), Grillo, Valdettano, Durazzo and Danovaro, as well as for the churches of Santa Maria in Voltri and in Levanto .

He also created the monument to Cardinal Giorgio Fieschi in the Cathedral of Genoa (1465), the relief of St. George in the Palazzo della Ragione in Lerici (1487), the Fornari chapels in the Basilica di Santa Maria delle Vigne and in Santa Maria della Consolazione of Genoa.

Around 1507 he settled in Mendrisio.


supporting documents

  1. Celestino Trezzini : Giovanni Gaggini. S. 372, 373 (PDF , accessed on October 9, 2017).
  2. ^ Giovanni Gaggini in
  3. ^ Giovanni Gaggini in, p. 59.
  4. ^ Giovanni Gaggini. In: Sikart (accessed November 11, 2016)