Apisit Chulamokha

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Apisit Chulamokha ( Thai อภิสิทธิ์ จุล โมกข์ , RTGS Aphisit Chulamok ; born April 3, 1951 ) is a Thai officer ( Air Chief Marshal ) of the Royal Thai Air Force .


Apisit comes from Thailand. After coming of age, he lived in the Federal Republic of Germany for almost eight years. He learned German at the Goethe Institute in Staufen and at the Federal Language Office in Euskirchen. Apisit went through as a Fellow of the Royal Thai Air Force Academy from 1969 to 1971 officer training of the German Luftwaffe . To this end, he completed basic training with the Air Force Training Regiment in Fürstenfeldbruck and attended the Air Force Officers School (OSLw) in Neubiberg near Munich. At the end there was promotion to lieutenant . Apisit also acquired the technical college entrance qualification and studied electrical engineering for four years at the technical college of the air force (FHSLw) in Neubiberg. During his engineering studies he did a basic internship at the Technical School of the Air Force 3 in Faßberg and a military specialist internship with the Air Transport Wing 61 in Landsberg am Lech . He also completed an internship at Siemens in industry .

Back in Thailand, Apisit completed his country's military pilot training. Among other things, he was a planning officer, member of the weapons procurement committee, military attaché in Tokyo / Japan, director of the intelligence service of the Air Force, deputy chief of staff of the air force, deputy chief of staff of the armed forces and deputy to the state secretary of the Ministry of Defense . In 2008 he became Air Chief Marshal of the Royal Thai Air Force.

Apisit is married.



  • As a Thai soldier in the Bundeswehr . In: Andreas Stoffers (Ed.): Sawasdee. 150 years of German-Thai friendship. 50 years of the German-Thai Society (= German-Thai Society 26). Rosenheimer, Rosenheim 2012, ISBN 978-3-475-54134-6 , p. 165 ff.

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