Araucaria humboldtensis

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Araucaria humboldtensis
Araucaria humboldtensis.JPG

Araucaria humboldtensis

Class : Coniferopsida
Order : Conifers (Coniferales)
Family : Araucarias (Araucariaceae)
Genre : Araucarias ( Araucaria )
Section : Eutacta
Type : Araucaria humboldtensis
Scientific name
Araucaria humboldtensis

Araucaria humboldtensis is a species of the genus Araucaria ( Araucaria ). It is endemic to the southern part of the New Caledonia island of Grande Terre .


Araucaria humboldtensis grows as an evergreen tree that can reach heights of 6 to 15 meters. The shape of the crown resembles a chandelier. The initially light brown, later gray bark flakes off in rectangular scales or in thin strips. The branches of a level are V-shaped and have a diameter of 0.8 to 1 centimeter.

On young specimens, the leaves are scaly, triangular with a length of 2.5 to 4 millimeters and a width of 2 to 3 millimeters and have a curved tip. On older specimens, the tile-like overlapping, scale-like leaves with a length of 5 to 6 millimeters and a width of 4 to 5 millimeters are keeled-ovoid with a pointed or curved upper end and a pronounced central rib.

The male cones are twisted-cylindrical in shape with a length of up to 6 centimeters and a diameter of around 1.5 centimeters. They contain triangular microsporophylls with six pollen sacs. The more or less spherical female cones have a length of around 9 centimeters and a diameter of around 8 centimeters. The seed grows to around 3 centimeters and has broad wings.


The natural range of Araucaria humboldtensis is in the south of the island of Grande Terre, which belongs to New Caledonia . It occurs there on the Mont Humboldt , the Mont Kouakoué , the Mont Mou and the Mont des Sources . According to unconfirmed reports, there is also a deposit near Mamie .

Araucaria humboldtensis thrives at altitudes between 750 and 1600 meters. It inhabits mountain slopes and peaks. The species grows on soils that develop on ultramafic rocks .


Araucaria humboldtensis belongs to the section Eutacta within the genus of the Araucarias ( Araucaria ). It was first described as Araucaria humboldtensis in 1949 by John Theodore Buchholz in Bulletin du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle , 21, p. 279.


Araucaria columnaris is listed as "critically endangered" on the IUCN Red List . Forest fires are cited as the main risk factor. Furthermore, trees are dying more and more often. The exact reasons for the death are unknown, but stress or a previously unknown disease is suspected.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Christopher J. Earle: Araucaria humboldtensis. In: The Gymnosperm Database., accessed on August 11, 2013 .
  2. a b c d Araucaria humboldtensis in the endangered Red List species the IUCN 2010. Posted by: Thomas, P., 2009. Accessed August 11, 2013.
  3. Araucaria humboldtensis at Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, accessed August 11, 2013.

Web links

Araucaria humboldtensis., accessed on August 11, 2013 (French, brief description, pictures and distributionmap).