Gold bottom

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Goldboden is the name of the plateau of the Schurwald above Winterbach , on which the Manolzweiler district of Winterbach is also located. The name Goldboden comes from the golden yellow color of the Liasboden on the plateau. The gold floor is located in the conservation area Manolzweiler .

Gold ground monument

Gold floor monument, the Wilhelmseiche in the background

In 1841 the Schorndorfer forester had an oak planted for the Engelberg Zaiser Revier on the Goldboden for the 25th anniversary of King Wilhelm I's reign , which is known as the Wilhelm's oak . In a forest excursion report of July 25, 1844, it said: "[...] it was brought by 28 pairs of oxen, planted with the bale and thrives happily."

In 1842, the district forester Zaiser had the gold ground monument erected in front of the oak for the same reason. It consists of a three-tiered base on which a square stone column rests. On the front of the column (facing the street) there is a plaque with a crown and laurel wreath , on the left one with the Staufer lion , on the right one with the Württemberg stag . A board with the following inscription is attached to the back:

"King Wilhelm I in memory of October 30, 1841 - Dedicated by the forest officials in Schorndorf and the Engelberger Revier - staff with 1602 inmates - June 24, 1842"

Hartig Monument and Arboretum

Hartig monument on the gold floor

In 1842, Oberforstmeister von Kahlden and district forester Zaiser had a memorial stone placed in honor of Georg Ludwig Hartig and an arboretum built around it . To this end, the forest excursion report and the Oberamtsbeschreibung of the Oberamt Schorndorf state that the anniversary monument (gold ground monument) is surrounded by a system of the "Hundred Hartig Wood Species". Another source, the Hohengehrener Heimatbuch, mentions 40 types of wood in the “botanical garden”.

Crowns of two of the Wellingtonias in the arboretum on the gold floor

The Wellingtonia, still standing today, to the southeast of the arboretum, also go back to district forester Zaiser . They are said to have grown from the seed that King Wilhelm I had procured from California and that were grown in pots in Rosenstein Park. These were placed in prominent places in the country in 1866.

The arboretum and the Wellingtonia are jointly protected as a natural monument Arboretum and Wellingtonia on the gold floor .

"Goldboden Crossing"

The L1150 from Winterbach via Engelberg , Goldboden-Kreuzung, Hohengehren and Baltmannsweiler to Esslingen am Neckar and the K1865, which runs on the former Kaiserstraße from Hohenstaufen to Waiblingen , cross in the so-called “Goldboden Crossing” . Until 1878/1879 the intersection was about 100 m further northwest at the Goldboden monument.

Wind turbines

Since December 2017, there have been three Nordex N131 / 3300 wind turbines with a hub height of 164 meters and a rotor diameter of 131 meters on the Goldboden . They are among the tallest wind turbines in the world.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Ordinance of the Waiblingen District Office for the protection of parts of the landscape in the Waiblingen district of November 4, 1968 (Official Gazette for the Waiblingen District of December 17, 1968), amended by an ordinance of the Rems-Murr District District Office of March 11, 1981 (Waiblinger Zeitung of September 23, 1968). 1981)
  2. Description of the Oberamt Schorndorf from 1851, p. 44 ( full text at Wikisource )
  3. Heimatbuch Hohengehren, Erwin Mauz. Edited by d. Municipality of Hohengehren, Volume: 2 - Hohengehren in stories, reports, documents and poems, 1981
  4. EnBW: Goldboden-Winterbach wind farm , accessed on December 30, 2019.