Architect list

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Architects are professionally organized members in the architects' chambers of the respective federal states . As a chamber profession , the title of architect may not be used without an entry in the list of architects . The entry is subject to strict legal and professional access regulations.

Legal classification

In Germany, a building submission authorization is required in order to be able to sign approval plans for the modification or construction as well as the demolition of structures . The building submission authorization is regulated in Germany by building regulations according to state law, which can result in country-specific characteristics. The major building submission authorization (for all buildings) is only granted to those who have the protected professional title of architect or the professional title of civil engineer .

In Baden-Württemberg, for example, the list of architects only includes those who have completed a subject-related course of at least four years at a German university and who can provide evidence of at least two years of practical experience under the supervision of an architect. In other federal states, other architectural laws apply, but they are usually formulated in a similar way.

As corporations under public law, the architects 'chambers keep lists of members, the lists of architects, according to the respective state architects' law , which are divided according to the respective disciplines:

Architects can object to their entry being published.

See also