Arcyria obvelata

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Arcyria obvelata
Arcyria obvelata

Arcyria obvelata

without rank: Amoebozoa
without rank: Myxogastria
Order : Trichiida
Family : Trichiidae
Genre : Arcyria
Type : Arcyria obvelata
Scientific name
Arcyria obvelata
( Oeder ) Onsberg

Arcyria obvelata (syn. Arcyria nutans ), sometimes in German as Nodding Kelchstäubling called, is a common slime mold from the family Trichiidae .


The fruiting bodies ( sporocarp ) are short stalked to almost sessile and grow tightly packed in small groups. When closed, the spore capsules (sporocarpies) are ovate to cylindrical and 1.5–3 mm high and 0.3–0.5 mm wide. The hair braid ( capillitium ) formed therein expands to a length of 13 mm, whereby it reaches a width of 1 mm. The resulting fiber columns run apart in tufts or lie on the ground. The color ranges from light to ocher yellow, sometimes orange. They later turn light rusty brown.

The membranous base ( hypothallus ) is common to the group. It has a silvery sheen. The stalk is very short with a length of 0.1-0.2 mm. It is yellow to brown in color and has spore-like cysts that are 15–30 µm wide. The shell ( peridia ) disappears quickly, with a flat calyx remaining only at the base. This gradually merges into the stem and appears colorless in the transmitted light. It has numerous warts that are connected by lines to form a fine-meshed network. The hair braid ( capillitium ) is very elastic and wide-meshed. It mainly expands lengthways and becomes matted. It is only connected to the cup at the tip of the stem, where it comes off easily. The fibers (elaters) are 3–6 µm wide and decorated with rings, half-rings and spines, sometimes also like a net and with longitudinal stripes. Free ends are thickened up to 11 µm. The scalp is yellow, ocher-yellow to brown-yellow in color. The spores appear yellow to ocher in bulk, light yellowish-brown to almost colorless in transmitted light. They measure 7–9 µm in diameter and are covered with fine warts and clusters of larger warts.

The plasmodium is white.

Species delimitation

Arcyria obvelata is characterized by its yellowish color and the particularly elastic scalp. The A. virescens known from France is outwardly similar , especially if the greenish color is only weakly pronounced. The species has longer stalks that are often fused together and a scalp, which only expands up to 6 mm and is not very elastic. Microscopically, the stems contain few or no spore-like cysts.

Ecology and diffusion

Arcyria obvelata especially likes to grow on almost completely dry dead coniferous wood. Socialization was observed with Cribraria cancellata , Enerthenema papillatum , Licea variabilis , the blood milk fungus ( Lycogala epidendrum see left), Metatrichia vesparium , Physarum viride var. Viride , Stemonitis fusca var. Fusca , Trichia varia and Tubifera ferruginosa .

The species is common in Central Europe and worldwide.
