Areithoos Korynetes

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Areithoos Korynetes ( Greek  Ἀρηίθοος Κορυνήτης "Areithoos club swinger") is an Arcadian warrior in Greek mythology who was nicknamed "the club swinger" because he used to fight with a large iron club .

He was killed by Lykurg in a ravine where he could not use his club. Lycurgus took his armor, a gift from Ares , and later bequeathed it to Ereuthalion , who wore it when he was killed by the youthful Nestor . His grave was shown in the Mantineia area .

Elsewhere Homer reports of a club-bearer Areithoos from Arne in Boeotia , who was the father of Menesthios , a warrior killed in Paris before Troy .

Due to the time lag - Nestor was already an old man at the time of the Trojan War - the Scholiasts accepted two club throwers named Areithoos , one Arcadier (grandfather of Menesthios) and one Boeotier (father of Menesthios).


Individual evidence

  1. Homer Iliad 7: 132-156. Pausanias 8,4,7
  2. Pausanias 8:11, 3
  3. Homer Iliad 7: 8ff