Aristarchus Sinkel

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Aristarchus Sinkel

Aristarchus Sinkel (born November 30, jul. / 13. December  1912 greg. In Virtsu ; † 25. September 1988 in Pärnu ) was an Estonian writer.


Aristarchus Sinkel went in Võru to school and then studied at the Tartu University Law . After graduating in 1935, he was unemployed for a while. In 1941 he became a judge on Hiiumaa , from 1942 to 1944 he was employed by the property office in Pärnu , then until 1980 legal advisor to the local commercial administration.


Aristarch Sinkel published his first texts in the late 1940s and made his debut in 1950 with a play. However, he gained greater fame with the historical novel Under the Yoke of the Black Cross (1956), which is a broad panorama of the prehistory and course of the uprising on St. George's Night of 1343. The novel was well received by the critics, but could not come close to its famous predecessors - such as Eduard Bornhöhe , who dealt with the same topic, or Eduard Vilde . His second historical novel takes place during the Great Northern War and was praised for the realistic depiction of the rural population, while in places it was also accused of historical inaccuracy. The third novel, Lembitu , is set in the 13th century and initially remained a manuscript. It was published posthumously in 2008.

In addition, Sinkel published some volumes with humoresques and feature articles.


  • Võidetud rabaveed. Näidend 1-es vaatuses ('The conquered moor water. Drama in one act'). Tallinn: Eesti NSV Ajalehtede-Ajakirjade Kirjastus, 1950. 15 pp.
  • Musta risti ikke all ('Under the yoke of the black cross'). Tallinn: Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus 1956. 448 pp.
  • Mõõgaga mõõdetud maa ('The land measured with the sword'). Tallinn: Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus 1959. 640 p.
  • Saunapäev ('Sauna Day'). Tallinn: EKP Keskkomitee 1967. 94 pp.
  • Päikeseprillid ('sunglasses'). Tallinn: EKP Keskkomitee 1971. 96 pp.
  • Lembitu ('L.'). Tallinn: Revelex Kirjastus 2008. 463 pp.

Literature on the author

  • A. Hameri: Ühest debüütteosest, in: Looming 6/1956, pp. 867-871.
  • Voldemar Miller : Ühest debüütteosest, in: Looming 6/1956, pp. 871-873.
  • K. Siilivask, A. Hameri: Üks suur ajalooline romaan, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 5/1959, pp. 311-314.
  • Oskar Kruus : Aristarch Sinkeli meenutuseks, in: Looming 3/1989, pp. 419-420.

Individual evidence

  1. Eesti kirjanike leksikon. Koostanud Oskar Kruus yes Heino Puhvel. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 2000, p. 535.
  2. A. Hameri: debüütteosest Ühest in: Looming 6/1956, pp 867-871.
  3. K. Siilivask, A. Hameri: Üks suur ajalooline romaan, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 5/1959, pp. 311-314.