Aristion (actor)

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Aristion ( Greek  Ἀριστίων ; † around 265 BC ) was a Greek actor in the 3rd century BC. Chr.

Information about Aristion has been handed down to this day through several inscriptions . The inscription on his grave stele states his place of origin with Troizen . One also learns that his father was an Aristaios and that he was the youngest of three siblings. Since Aristion at the age of 40 around the year 265 BC When the first of the siblings died childless, his brother and sister erected the tomb for their younger brother in foreign, Attic soil.

The profession also mentions the epitaph with comedy actor. Further inscriptions confirm this activity. So Aristion is in several winners lists of the Great Dionysia and the Lenaeans of Athens and Delphi , unlike on his tombstone but not only as a comedy - but also as a tragedy actor .



  1. ^ Inscriptiones Graecae II² 2325 .