Arno Voigt

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Arno Voigt (born June 18, 1895 in Großbreitenbach ; † February 9, 1986 in Ilmenau ) was a German communist party official and politician.


Voigt came from a family of craftsmen . His father was a nail blacksmith . After attending primary school, he learned the trade of glassmaker . At the age of 15 he became a member of the Socialist Workers' Youth (SAJ). A year after the beginning of the First World War , he was drafted as an army soldier . After the end of the war he joined the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD). After its dissolution, he decided to join the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) local group Oelze . Since 1926 he was part of the Thuringian KPD district leadership. In the elections to the Thuringian state parliament he was put up as a candidate by his party and after the election in 1929 was one of the ten members of the KPD state parliament group . With Hermann Hoffmann he belonged to the members of the KPD local group Großbreitenbach.

After the seizure of power , Voigt, like the other ten KPD members, was arrested the day after the fire in the Reichstag and taken to the Erfurt police prison, probably on the Petersberg . In a letter from Erfurt to the state parliament office, he demanded the payment of his parliamentary diets to his wife in Großbreitenbach. At the beginning of November he was transferred to the newly established Bad Sulza concentration camp, where he was given prisoner number 22. After his release from the concentration camp , he emigrated to Czechoslovakia . While carrying out an anti-fascist operation in Germany, he was arrested on March 5, 1935 and brought before a court , which sentenced him to a five-year prison term. After his release from prison in March 1941, he worked again as a glassmaker. In 1944, Arno Voigt was committed to forced labor at the Todt Organization (OT). Here he came into US captivity .

After the liberation from National Socialism , he returned to Thuringia . He joined the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED). From 1948/1949 he was a trustee in the Association of Publicly Owned Enterprises (VVB) for the glass industry. In 1956 he became secretary of the Ilmenau district committee of the National Front . His last professional activity was the position of manager at the council of the Ilmenau district .


  • Falk Burkhardt, Udo Wohlfeld: the network. The concentration camps in Thuringia 1933–1937. A documentation on the Nohra, Bad Sulza and Buchenwald camps, and the contribution National Conservative Forces and the Bad Sulza Concentration Camp. Stahlhelm - Bund der Frontsoldaten , = "wanted 2", Weimar 2000, ISBN 3-935275-01-3 , p. 69
  • Voigt, Arno . In: Hermann Weber , Andreas Herbst : German Communists. Biographisches Handbuch 1918 to 1945. 2nd, revised and greatly expanded edition. Dietz, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-320-02130-6 .

Individual evidence

  1. Falk Burkhardt, Udo Wohlfeld: the network. The concentration camps in Thuringia 1933–1937. A documentation on the Nohra, Bad Sulza and Buchenwald camps, and the contribution National Conservative Forces and the Bad Sulza Concentration Camp. Stahlhelm - Bund der Frontsoldaten , = "wanted 2", Weimar 2000, ISBN 3-935275-01-3 , p. 69