Arnold Müller (politician, 1924)

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Arnold Müller (born July 27, 1924 in Zurich ; † March 21, 2006 in Bachs , Canton Zurich ) was a Swiss politician and member of the National Council .

In 1983, Müller was the first Green from the canton of Zurich to be elected to the National Council. In 1986 the veterinary professor moved to the LdU parliamentary group. After this term of office, he did not stand for election to the National Council. He remained a member of the Zurich Greens.

Müller, who was strongly committed to animal welfare , was considered the father of the Rothenthurm Initiative for the preservation of moors and moorland . Müller also promoted animal welfare on a scientific level.

His initiative was confirmed in a referendum on December 6, 1987 .
